- 2023 Hospital Discharge Data (Nov 2024)
- 2023 Communicable Disease Incidence Data (Oct 2024)
- 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Data (Aug 2024)
- 2023 STD Incidence Rates (Jul 2024)
More new data and reports:
- Provisional 2023 Death Rates (Jul 2024)
- NJSHAD's been redesigned! See what's new in this version.
UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS to https://www-doh.
The www-doh.nj.gov /doh-shad/state.nj.us /doh-shad/ URL will only redirect to the new URL for a limited time.
Need help?
- Each of the main sections of NJSHAD - Health Topics, Community Profiles, Indicator Reports, and Dataset Queries - has a description and links to more info and help on the right side of each main menu drop down.
- Help, links, and other info that's not specific to a certain dataset or section of NJSHAD can be found on the Help, FAQS, More Data, etc. tab.
- Small area (sub-state level data) information guides you to municipality and other small area data.
- If you're new to NJSHAD and have questions, check out our General Help page.
The New Jersey Department of Health's State Health Assessment Data (NJSHAD) System provides access to the Department's datasets, statistics, and information on the health status of New Jerseyans. There are four ways to get to NJSHAD data:
Health Topics
include links to NJSHAD Indicator Reports and Dataset Queries as well as other information on a particular health issue.Click Health Topics in the top menu to choose a topic or click here for more info.
Community Profiles
contain statistics from multiple NJSHAD Indicator Reports for a single county or population group with comparisons to state and national statistics.Click Community Profiles in the top menu to choose a community type or click here for more info.
Indicator Reports
contain statistics and information for multiple years, counties, or population groups for a specific public health indicator.Click Indicator Reports in the top menu to find a report or click here for more info.
Dataset Queries
allow users to create customized tables, graphs, and maps from datasets maintained by the NJ Department of Health.Click Dataset Queries in the top menu to select a dataset or click here for more info.