Community Profiles
What are community profiles?
NJSHAD Community Profiles are summary tables of the most recent data available for multiple health indicators for a single community, along with comparison data for New Jersey and the United States, where available.What if my community doesn't have a profile or I need more detail?
If more detailed data is needed than what a community profile or indicator report provides, the Custom Query System is available or program staff can be contacted directly using the information provided in the indicator report footer at the bottom of each indicator report page.How do I cite community profiles?
Use and reproduction of the information published on this website is encouraged and may be done without permission. Please refer to the NJSHAD Citation page for suggested citations.Related Links
Geographic Communities
- Small Area Data - What's available in NJSHAD at various geographic levels and links to additional sub-state-level data sources outside of NJSHAD.
- Local Health Departments - Complete directory.
Demographic Communities
- Demographic Data - What's available and how to find demographic data in NJSHAD indicator reports and dataset queries.
- Office of Minority and Multicultural Health
How are community profiles generated?
Community Profiles pull data from NJSHAD Indicator Reports. An Indicator Report must include a graphical view with data for county, race/ethnicity, sex, disability status, educational attainment level, or poverty status in order to be included in the Community Profile for any community of that type. For instance, in order to see a summary of data for Atlantic County, the Indicator Reports of interest must have a graphical view and data for counties. If your Community Profile is missing data for a health indicator, it is because the corresponding Indicator Report does not contain that community.For technical reasons, communities defined by sub-county geographical boundaries (e.g., municipalities, Census tracts, zip codes), including those like Newark and Jersey City that have larger populations than many counties, cannot be considered here. See Small Area (Sub-State Level) Data for options for obtaining statistics for sub-county geographies such as municipalities and local health jurisdictions.