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Atlantic County Community Health Profile

Community Health Profile Report Options

List of health indicators based on the selected set of indicators that have data for the selected community. You can change the set of health indicators to be reported on by using the drop down list. Click on the title link in the list for a more detailed view of that community's health indicator.
IndicatorAtlantic CountyNew JerseyCompared to New JerseyUnited StatesCompared to United States
TeenBirths1101Births to Teen MothersThe number of live births to females in a specific age group per 1,000 females in the age group.
The number of live births to females in a specific age group per 1,000 females in the age group.
Births to Teen Mothers
(Live Births per 1,000 Females, 2018-2022)
5 Year Groups20222018-2022Live Births per 1,000 Females6.2DNA6.2 6.2 3.6NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval6.3NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval
PNC12105First Trimester Prenatal CareNumber of live births to pregnant women who received prenatal care in the first trimester as a percentage of the total number of live births.
Number of live births to pregnant women who received prenatal care in the first trimester as a percentage of the total number of live births.
First Trimester Prenatal Care
(Percentage of Live Births, 2020-2022)
3 Year Groups20222020-2022Percentage of Live Births74.9Stable74.9%74.0%75.8% 74.9%
(74.0% - 75.8%)
Preterm3103Preterm BirthsPercent of live births before 37 weeks of gestation based on obstetric estimate Preterm is synonymous with premature. Infants born before 37 weeks of pregnancy are considered preterm and those born at or after 37 weeks of pregnancy are called full term. Most pregnancies last around 40 weeks.
Percent of live births before 37 weeks of gestation based on obstetric estimate Preterm is synonymous with premature. Infants born before 37 weeks of pregnancy are considered preterm and those born at or after 37 weeks of pregnancy are called full term. Most pregnancies last around 40 weeks.
Preterm Births
(Percentage of Live Births, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of Live Births9.6Stable9.6%8.5%10.8% 9.6%
(8.5% - 10.8%)
LBW4104Low Birth WeightPercent of live births with a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams (approximately 5 lbs, 8 oz).
Percent of live births with a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams (approximately 5 lbs, 8 oz).
Low Birth Weight
(Percentage of Live Births, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of Live Births9.3Stable9.3%8.2%10.4% 9.3%
(8.2% - 10.4%)
MODLowRisk5106Cesarean Deliveries among Low Risk WomenThe low-risk cesarean delivery rate is the percentage of cesarean deliveries among '''n'''ulliparous (first birth), '''t'''erm (37 completed weeks or more, based on the obstetric estimate), '''s'''ingleton (one fetus), '''v'''ertex (head first) births, sometimes referred to as NTSV births.
The low-risk cesarean delivery rate is the percentage of cesarean deliveries among '''n'''ulliparous (first birth), '''t'''erm (37 completed weeks or more, based on the obstetric estimate), '''s'''ingleton (one fetus), '''v'''ertex (head first) births, sometimes referred to as NTSV births.
Cesarean Deliveries among Low Risk Women
(Percentage of Live Births, 2018-2022)
5 Year Groups20222018-2022Percentage of Live Births27.1Stable27.1%25.8%28.4% 27.1%
(25.8% - 28.4%)
26.6%SimilarSimilarNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
EPHTInfMort6120Infant MortalityInfant mortality is the death of an infant before his or her first birthday. The infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births.
Infant mortality is the death of an infant before his or her first birthday. The infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births.
Infant Mortality
(Deaths per 1,000 Live Births, 2017-2021)
5 Year Groups20212017-2021Deaths per 1,000 Live Births6.5Stable6.55.27.9 6.5
(5.2 - 7.9)
FetalMort7120Fetal MortalityThe number of resident fetal deaths of 20 or more weeks gestation per 1,000 resident live births plus fetal deaths of 20 or more weeks of gestation in the same year. A fetal death is the spontaneous, intrauterine death of a fetus at any gestational age. These deaths are commonly referred to as stillbirths.
The number of resident fetal deaths of 20 or more weeks gestation per 1,000 resident live births plus fetal deaths of 20 or more weeks of gestation in the same year. A fetal death is the spontaneous, intrauterine death of a fetus at any gestational age. These deaths are commonly referred to as stillbirths.
Fetal Mortality
(Fetal Deaths per 1,000 Live Births Plus Fetal Deaths, 2018-2021)
4 Year Groups20212018-2021Fetal Deaths per 1,000 Live Births Plus Fetal Deaths7.1Stable7.15.68.7 7.1
(5.6 - 8.7)
  • Better is when the community's rate is better than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).
  • Similar is when the community's rate is not statistically different from New Jersey's rate (community confidence interval includes comparison value).
  • Worse is when the community's rate is worse than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).


More birth and infant health indicator reports and data are available on the Births/Maternity Health Topic page.

Important: Some neighboring states do not report all birth certificate items to NJDOH for residents who gave birth in their state, thereby creating a high proportion of records with unknown values for those items. In particular, Camden, Essex, Bergen, and Passaic have high proportions of records with unknown prenatal care onset. This artificially lowers their First Trimester Prenatal Care percentages.

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