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Male Sex Community Health Profile

Community Health Profile Report Options

List of health indicators based on the selected set of indicators that have data for the selected community. You can change the set of health indicators to be reported on by using the drop down list. Click on the title link in the list for a more detailed view of that community's health indicator.
IndicatorMale SexNew JerseyCompared to New JerseyUnited StatesCompared to United States
HeartDisDeath1135Deaths due to Heart DiseaseDeaths with heart disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I00-I09,I11,I13,I20-I51
Deaths with heart disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I00-I09,I11,I13,I20-I51
Deaths due to Heart Disease
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population212.6Stable212.6208.5216.8 212.6
(208.5 - 216.8)
COVIDDeath2135Deaths due to COVID-19Deaths with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 code: U07.1
Deaths with COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 code: U07.1
Deaths due to COVID-19
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population186.1Stable186.1182.3190.0 186.1
(182.3 - 190.0)
CancerDeath3135Deaths due to CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: C00-C97
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: C00-C97
Deaths due to Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population153.2Stable153.2149.7156.6 153.2
(149.7 - 156.6)
UnintInjDeath4135Deaths due to Unintentional InjuryDeaths with unintentional injury as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: V01-X59, Y85-Y86 Unintentional injuries are commonly referred to as accidents and include poisonings (drugs, alcohol, fumes, pesticides, etc.), motor vehicle crashes, falls, fire, drowning, suffocation, and any other external cause of death.
Deaths with unintentional injury as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: V01-X59, Y85-Y86 Unintentional injuries are commonly referred to as accidents and include poisonings (drugs, alcohol, fumes, pesticides, etc.), motor vehicle crashes, falls, fire, drowning, suffocation, and any other external cause of death.
Deaths due to Unintentional Injury
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population74.2Stable74.271.676.8 74.2
(71.6 - 76.8)
StrokeDeath5135Deaths due to StrokeDeaths with cerebrovascular disease (stroke) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I60-I69
Deaths with cerebrovascular disease (stroke) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I60-I69
Deaths due to Stroke
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population35Stable35.033.336.7 35.0
(33.3 - 36.7)
CLRDDeath6135Deaths due to Chronic Lower Respiratory DiseasesDeaths with chronic lower respiratory disease (CLRD) as the underlying cause of death. CLRD includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, and other chronic lower respiratory diseases. ICD-10 codes: J40-J47
Deaths with chronic lower respiratory disease (CLRD) as the underlying cause of death. CLRD includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, and other chronic lower respiratory diseases. ICD-10 codes: J40-J47
Deaths due to Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population25.7Stable25.724.327.2 25.7
(24.3 - 27.2)
AlzDeath7135Deaths due to Alzheimer's DiseaseDeaths with Alzheimer's disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 code: G30
Deaths with Alzheimer's disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 code: G30
Deaths due to Alzheimer's Disease
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2021)
Single Calendar Years20212021Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population16.1Stable16.114.917.2 16.1
(14.9 - 17.2)
DiabetesDeath8135Deaths due to DiabetesDeaths with diabetes as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: E10-E14
Deaths with diabetes as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: E10-E14
Deaths due to Diabetes
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population27.9Stable27.926.429.4 27.9
(26.4 - 29.4)
SepticemiaDeath9135Deaths due to SepticemiaDeaths with septicemia as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: A40-A41 Septicemia refers to the presence of a pathogen in the blood, whereas sepsis is the condition that is caused by the pathogen. In the context of mortality, if the cause of death is septicemia, sepsis is implied.
Deaths with septicemia as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: A40-A41 Septicemia refers to the presence of a pathogen in the blood, whereas sepsis is the condition that is caused by the pathogen. In the context of mortality, if the cause of death is septicemia, sepsis is implied.
Deaths due to Septicemia
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population20.7Stable20.719.422.0 20.7
(19.4 - 22.0)
KidneyDisDeath10135Deaths due to Kidney DiseaseDeaths with nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (kidney disease) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27
Deaths with nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (kidney disease) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27
Deaths due to Kidney Disease
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population18Stable18.016.819.2 18.0
(16.8 - 19.2)
  • Better is when the community's rate is better than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).
  • Similar is when the community's rate is not statistically different from New Jersey's rate (community confidence interval includes comparison value).
  • Worse is when the community's rate is worse than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).


These are the 10 leading causes of death for New Jersey as a whole. The Top 10 for a particular community may vary.

Reports and data for other causes of death are linked on the Mortality and Leading Causes of Death Health Topic page.

Click here for more information about NJSHAD Community Profiles.