NJSHAD Quick Links
- Drug-Induced Deaths
- Firearm-Related Deaths
- Health Disparities
- Healthy New Jersey
- Infant Mortality
- Leading Causes of Death
- Low Birth Weight
- Sepsis Deaths
- Suicide
- Teen Births
These reports only contain state or county-level data.
Select Full Report on the report's page to see all available data tables.
- Births by Municipality
(Step 7,9) - County Age-Adjusted Mortality Rates
- General Health Status
- Heart Attack Hospitalizations
(Step 4,8) - Infant Co-Sleeping
- Infant Deaths by County or Municipality
(Step 8,9) - Leading Causes of Death by County
(Step 6,8)
Most datasets contain state, county, and municipality-level data. Use Geographic Area of Residence step to filter desired areas.
Step numbers above refer to the steps in the query where you'll make your key selections.
- Subscribe for email updates about the NJSHAD system.
- Community Health Assessment
- Local Health Data
- Data Query System Users
- NJ Environmental Public Health Tracking Program (EPHT)