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Relevant Population Characteristics for Obesity Among Adults

Relevant Population Characteristics

Population-based obesity-prevention services may be useful in containing the obesity epidemic. The magnitude of the association appears to be strong among low-income population and among women.^1^ 1. Chen Z, Roy K., Gotway Crawford CA. Obesity Prevention: The Impact of Local Health Departments. Health Services Research. 2013, 48(2):603-627. Note: [[a href="query/builder/njbrfs/BMIObese/BMIObeseAA11_.html" Custom data views]] of the prevalence of obesity among New Jersey adults by selected sociodemographic and other characteristics (including '''local health jurisdiction''') can be generated using the New Jersey Behavioral Risk Factor Survey interactive query module.
Indicator Data Last Updated On 10/03/2023, Published on 07/30/2024
Office of Nutrition and Fitness, Division of Community Health, New Jersey Department of Health, Trenton, NJ 08625 (