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Poorly Controlled Asthma Among Adults with Asthma

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Year20132014201520160.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%Estimated Percentage of Adults with Asthma (Age-adjusted)Poorly Controlled Asthma Among Adults with Asthma by Year, New Jersey, 2013 to 2016
Age Group18-4445-6465-7475+0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%Estimated Percentage of Adults with AsthmaPoorly Controlled Asthma Among Adults with Asthma by Age Group, New Jersey, 2013-2016
SexMaleFemale0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%Estimated Percentage of Adults with Asthma (Age-adjusted)Poorly Controlled Asthma Among Adults with Asthma by Sex, New Jersey, 2013-2016
Race/Ethnicity, New JerseyWhiteBlackHispanicAsian0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%Estimated Percentage of Adults with Asthma (Age-adjusted)Poorly Controlled Asthma Among Adults with Asthma by Race/Ethnicity, New Jersey, 2013-2016
OCCP RegionsRegion1: Sussex, WarrenRegion2: Passaic, EssexRegion3: Bergen, HudsonRegion4: Morris, SomersetRegion5: Hunterdon, MercerRegion6: Middlesex, UnionRegion7: Monmouth, OceanRegion8: Camden, BurlingtonRegion9: Atlantic, Cape MayRegion10: Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%90.0%Estimated Percentage of Adults with Asthma (Age-adjusted)Poorly Controlled Asthma Among Adults with Asthma by OCCP Region, New Jersey, 2013-2016

Poorly Controlled Asthma Among Adults with Asthma by County, New Jersey, 2013-2016

Cape May

Base Map





Estimated Percentage of Adults with Asthma (Age-adjusted)

  • Undetermined
  • 42.2% - 48.6%
  • 48.6%+ - 57.6%
  • 57.6%+ - 70.7%
  • 70.7%+ - 78.5%
Grouping: Jenks Natural Breaks - Original
30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

Why Is This Important?

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the lungs. It bears important medical, economic, psychosocial, and public health implications. Uncontrolled asthma is associated with an increased risk of adverse asthma outcomes, significantly decreased quality of life, and increased health care use1. Asthma can be controlled by adhering to control medicine and avoiding the triggers that can cause an attack.


Level of asthma control is measured in accordance with the recommendations of the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program's Expert Panel Report 3 (EPR-3): Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2007). ("Poorly controlled asthma" as defined here is consistent with the combination of the two categories " not very well controlled" and "very poorly controlled" defined in EPR-3.) This hybrid outcome measure captures the frequency and intensity of the onset of asthmatic symptoms that impose functional limitations on daily activities: the number of symptom days per week, the number of nighttime awakenings per month, whether asthma limits the normal activity, and the frequency of use of short-acting beta agonists for symptom control (rather than prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm).

Data Source

Asthma Callback Supplement, Behavioral Risk Factory Survey, Center for Health Statistics, New Jersey Department of Health

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Estimated number of adults 18 years of age or older with poorly controlled asthma based on the weighted number of survey respondents who reported 1) having had asthma symptoms on at least nine of the past 30 days and/or 2) having had nighttime awakenings on at least three of the past 30 days and/or 3) limiting usual activities at least to some extent during the past 30 days and/or 4) having used short-acting beta agonists for symptom control for an average of more than 2 days per week over the past three months.
Denominator:Estimated number of adults 18+ who currently have asthma, based on the weighted number of adults who responded "Yes" to both questions: "Has a doctor or other health professional EVER told you that you had asthma?" "Do you still have asthma?"

How Are We Doing?

An estimated 59% of New Jersey adults with current asthma had uncontrolled (not well-controlled or poorly controlled) asthma in 2013-2016.

What Is Being Done?

The NJDOH funds the Pediatric/Adult Asthma Coalition of New Jersey (PACNJ) to act as a statewide clearinghouse for asthma programs and services. NJDOH has partnered with key stakeholders within the state to create an Asthma Strategic Plan to serve as a coordinated statewide planning guide. The Awareness and Education Program (AAEP) provides information on asthma for consumers and health professionals. The Occupational Health Service has a Work-Related Asthma Program that provides information to workers and employers about prevention of asthma in the workplace.

State law (Statute Amendment 18A:40-12.3) requires school districts to allow students to carry and administer their own asthma medication. The law further requires both public and non-public schools to provide and maintain at least one nebulizer for students with asthma.

Additional information can be found at:

Evidence-based Practices

The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends the use of text messaging interventions to increase medication adherence among patients with chronic medical conditions.

Available Services

Resources for persons with asthma:

Footnote References

1. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert panel report 3: guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. 2007.

Indicator Data Last Updated On 05/12/2020, Published on 06/12/2024
Chronic Disease Program, Division of Community Health, New Jersey Department of Health, Trenton, NJ 08625 (