Beach Closings Due to Bacteriological Levels
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Why Is This Important?
Swimming in or contact with polluted water can cause gastrointestinal, respiratory, eye and ear, and flu-like symptoms. These symptoms are minor most of the time, but can occasionally be more serious, especially in sensitive populations, such as in children and elderly. New Jersey's beach monitoring program assesses coastal water quality and pollution. Local agencies monitor the concentration of bacteria in coastal waters. Samples that are above the water quality standard indicate water that presents an increased risk of illness and may result in beach closings to protect public health. Closings may also be issued as a precaution, especially where contaminated storm water runoff may impact water quality at the bathing beach following heavy rainfall.
Number of ocean and tidal water beach closings due to elevated bacteriological levels.
Data Source
Division of Water Monitoring and Standards, New Jersey Department of Environmental ProtectionHow the Measure is Calculated
Numerator: | Number of ocean and tidal water beach closings due to elevated bacteriological levels. |
Denominator: | Not applicable |
How Are We Doing?
The annual number of beach closings varies from year to year. In 2024, there were six ocean and bay beach closings due to bacteria.
What Is Being Done?
The Department of Environmental Protection administers the New Jersey Cooperative Coastal Monitoring Program (CCMP). From mid-May to mid-September, local health departments monitor recreational beach water quality. The CCMP web site, [] provides current beach status, water quality sample results, reports of beach advisories and beach closings, information on other events that affect beaches, and daily updates from NJDEP's coastal surveillance flights. Sampling is always performed in conjunction with a sanitary survey, which includes identifying possible pollution sources, such as storm water. NJDEP works with county and local governments to track down and address these sources. Also as part of the CCMP, NJDEP routinely inspects the 17 wastewater treatment facilities that discharge to New Jersey near shore coastal waters and estuaries to observe changing coastal water quality conditions and potential pollution sources.
Health Program Information
Up-to-date New Jersey beach monitoring results (data, reports, fact sheets, and coastal flight video) can be viewed at [] or by calling 1-800-648-SAND.