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Incidence of Cervical Cancer

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Year201020112012201320142015201620172018201920200. Rate per 100,000 FemalesIncidence of Cervical Cancer by Race/Ethnicity, New Jersey, 2010 to 2020WhiteBlackHispanicAsian/PINew Jersey

Why Is This Important?

Cervical cancer is the easiest gynecologic cancer to prevent with regular screening tests and followup. It also is highly curable when found and treated early.1


Age-adjusted incidence rate of invasive cervical cancer in females per 100,000 standard population. ICD-O-3 codes: C53.0-C53.9 (excl. types 9590-9992)

Data Sources

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of new cases of invasive cervical cancer diagnosed among females
Denominator:Estimated number of females in the population

How Are We Doing?

All original Healthy New Jersey 2020 (HNJ2020) targets were achieved. As of 2019, the revised HNJ2020 targets for Blacks, Hispanics, and all races/ethnicities combined had also been achieved. Although the revised target for Whites was achieved in 2020, additional years of data are needed to determine if the decline was solely due to decreased screening during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Available Services

NJDOH cancer resources:

More Resources

CDC Cervical Cancer Info:

Health Program Information

NJDOH cancer programs:

Footnote References

1. CDC Cervical Cancer Fact Sheet

Indicator Data Last Updated On 07/06/2023, Published on 06/10/2024
Cancer Epidemiology Services, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 369, Trenton, NJ 08625-0369, e-mail: (