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Cigarette Use among High School Students

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Year19981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820190.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%35.0%40.0%Estimated Percentage of High School Students in Grades 9-12Cigarette Use among High School Students by Year, New Jersey and the United States, 1998 to 2019New JerseyUnited States
Year200420062008201020122014201620180.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%Estimated Percentage of High School Students in Grades 9-12Cigarette Use among High School Students by Race/Ethnicity, New Jersey, 2004 to 2018WhiteBlackHispanic

Why Is This Important?

Tobacco use is usually initiated during adolescence. Nearly 90% of adult smokers begin smoking before 18 years of age. 1 Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death, leads to disease and disability, and harms nearly every organ of the body.2


Percentage of high school (9th-12th grade) students who have used cigarettes on one or more days in the 30 days preceding the survey

Data Sources

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of high school student survey respondents who have used cigarettes on one or more days in the 30 days preceding the survey
Denominator:Total number of high school student survey respondents

How Are We Doing?

Cigarette use among New Jersey high school students has steadily declined since the late 1990s and in 2016 stood at about 5 percent. The original Healthy New Jersey 2020 targets were met by all groups by 2012, so revised targets were set. The revised targets were all met by 2016.

How Do We Compare With the U.S.?

The proportion of New Jersey high school students who are current cigarette smokers is below that of the nation as a whole.

What Is Being Done?

The Office of Tobacco Control is spearheading work on statewide comprehensive tobacco free policies in schools. New Jersey Quit Services are accessible online and by phone.

In July, 2017, a bill raising the minimum age for purchase and sale of tobacco products and electronic smoking devices from 19 to 21 was signed into law.

Available Services

NJ Quitline: 1-866-NJ-STOPS

More Resources

CDC's Smoking & Tobacco Use Info:

Health Program Information

NJDOH Office of Tobacco Control:

Footnote References

1. Youth and Tobacco Use

2. About Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking

Indicator Data Last Updated On 11/05/2020, Published on 06/10/2024
Office of Tobacco Control, Division of Community Health, New Jersey Department of Health, Trenton, NJ, 08625 (