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Incidence of Colorectal Cancer

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Why Is This Important?

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer among both men and women in the United States.[ ^1^] Increases in colorectal cancer screening (which can include the removal of precancerous polyps), have led to decreases in colorectal cancer incidence.


Age-adjusted incidence rate of cancer of the colon and rectum per 100,000 standard population ICD-O-3 codes: C18.0-C20.9 (excl. types 9590-9992)

Data Sources

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of new cases of invasive colorectal cancer diagnosed
Denominator:Estimated number of persons in the population

How Are We Doing?

The original Healthy New Jersey 2020 targets were met by 2018 for all populations except Hispanics. Additional years of data will be needed to determine if the decline in rates in 2020 was solely due to decreased screening during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Evidence-based Practices

Screening can find precancerous polyps (abnormal growths in the colon or rectum) so they can be removed before turning into cancer. Screening also helps find colorectal cancer at an early stage, when treatment works best.[ ^2^]

Available Services

The [ New Jersey Cancer Education and Early Detection] (NJCEED) Program provides comprehensive outreach, education and screening services for colorectal cancer.

Health Program Information

NJDOH Cancer Initiatives: []

Footnote References

1. [ Colorectal Cancer Statistics], CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, 5/30/24. 2. [ Screen for Life Campaign], CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, 5/30/24.

Indicator Data Last Updated On 07/06/2023, Published on 07/30/2024
Cancer Epidemiology Services, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 369, Trenton, NJ 08625-0369, e-mail: (