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No Vehicles Available

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

No Vehicles Available by County, New Jersey, 2022

Why Is This Important?

Throughout most of New Jersey, transportation is needed for many daily tasks, including going to work, health care visits, and obtaining groceries.^[ 1]^


Proportion of occupied housing units with no vehicles available

Data Source

American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of occupied housing units with no vehicles available
Denominator:Number of occupied housing units

Available Services

Buses, Trains, and Light Rail: []

Footnote References

1. Ng AE, Adjaye-Gbewonyo D, Dahlhamer J. [ Lack of Reliable Transportation for Daily Living Among Adults: United States, 2022]. NCHS Data Brief, no 490. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2024.

Indicator Data Last Updated On 04/23/2024, Published on 07/30/2024
NJ State Health Assessment Data, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625-0360 (