Ozone in Outdoor Air
Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Why Is This Important?
Ozone is an odorless, colorless gas that forms both in the air at ground level and in the Earth's upper atmosphere (the stratosphere). Ground-level ozone forms when precursor pollutants that come from cars, power plants, and other sources react with each other in heat and sunlight. While ozone in the stratosphere creates a layer that protects us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, ozone at ground level may irritate and damage the lungs, and harm human health in other ways. The federal health-based standard for ozone in outdoor air was 0.075 parts per million (ppm) averaged over an 8-hour period until December 2015, after which time it was lowered to 0.070 ppm.
Days in which the average concentration of ozone in outdoor air exceeds the regulatory standard at an ozone monitoring point
Data Sources
- Bureau of Air Monitoring, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
How the Measure is Calculated
Numerator: | Number of days in a year in which the ozone concentration at a monitor exceeded the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS), averaged over an 8-hour period |
Denominator: | Not applicable |
How Are We Doing?
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection operated 15 monitoring stations in New Jersey during 2023. Of those 15 sites, nine operate year-round and six operate only during the ozone season, which is March 1st through October 31st. Bayonne, Brigantine, Camden Spruce Street, Chester, Columbia, Flemington, Millville, Rider University and Rutgers University operate year-round. The Ancora, Clarksboro, Colliers Mills, Leonia, Monmouth University, and Ramapo sites operate only during the ozone season. The Washington Crossing ozone monitor is operated and maintained by EPA, and the data is included in the statistics for Mercer County. The 2023 ozone season had seventeen days on which the NAAQS (8-hour daily maximum average concentration of 0.070 ppm) was exceeded. 12 monitoring sites (including Washington Crossing) recorded levels above the standard at least once. Monitoring sites in Bergen County had the most exceedances (eight), followed by Gloucester, and Middlesex Counties. The entire state of New Jersey is designated as nonattainment for the ozone NAAQS. New Jersey's northern nonattainment area is classified as "moderate" for the 0.08 ppm and 0.07 ppm 8-hour ozone standards and 'serious' for the 0.075 ppm 8-hour ozone standard. New Jersey's southern nonattainment area is classified as 'moderate' for the 0.08 ppm 8-hour ozone standard, and 'marginal' for the 0.075 ppm and 0.070 ppm 8-hour ozone standards. Complete air quality monitor reports can be found below the 'Data' tab at [https://dep.nj.gov/airmon/]. For more information on nonattainment area classification go to: [https://dep.nj.gov/airplanning/naaqs-and-attainment-area-status/#eight-hour-ozone-naaqs]. Over the years, air quality in New Jersey has been improving. More stringent federal health-based standards for ozone were promulgated in 2016, and require more states to do more to protect human health. The AQI uses five of the six pollutants for which there are national health-based standards (ground-level ozone, particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide) and compares pollutant levels to the federal standards in order to assign an air quality rating such as "good" or "unhealthy".
What Is Being Done?
Under the federal Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has set health-based standards for ozone in the air we breathe. The USEPA and state and local governments have instituted a variety of multi-faceted programs to meet these health-based standards. The NJDEP has adopted rules to reduce emissions of VOCs from consumer products and establish requirements that apply to manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and retailers of VOCs. Beginning January 1, 2009, New Jersey implemented the California Low Emission Vehicle (CLEV) program. Non-regulatory programs also encourage communities to adopt practices such as carpooling to reduce harmful emissions. The NJDEP has also planted thousands of shade trees in urban areas to absorb and reduce ozone and NOx, lower temperatures, and reduce energy demand and emissions from energy generation. Success story: Recommendations for Reducing Smog Throughout NJ and Beyond [http://www.nj.gov/health/ceohs/documents/epht/tra_action/reducing_smog_in_nj.pdf] Success story: Air Quality and Asthma in NJ Children [http://www.nj.gov/health/ceohs/documents/epht/tra_action/helping_children_breathe_easier.pdf] Success story: Collaborating to Diminish Smog and Improve Health in NJ [http://www.nj.gov/health/ceohs/documents/epht/tra_action/clean_air_nj.pdf]
Available Services
The NJDEP's Bureau of Air Monitoring measures air pollution levels in New Jersey around the clock and compares them to national health standards. Updates and forecasts are sent to the wire services and other media, and health advisories are also issued when air pollution reaches unhealthful levels. The NJDEP's Bureau of Air Monitoring web site contains information on current air quality as well as historic trends. The web site is: [https://dep.nj.gov/airmon/] The USEPA compiles air quality data from around the country and presents it to the public on the following web site: [http://www.airnow.gov] To sign up to receive air quality alerts, sign up at EPA's Enviroflash website: [http://www.enviroflash.info/] Throughout the year, as part of the nightly news, local TV networks frequently broadcast a map showing the next day's air quality forecast for the different regions of the state. Check your TV listings for channel information.
More Resources
Ground-level ozone can lower your resistance to infections such as colds and pneumonia. It can also damage lung tissue, intensify heart and lung diseases (such as asthma), and cause coughing and throat irritation. When ozone reaches unhealthy levels, children and people with asthma are most at risk, but even healthy adults doing heavy exercise or labor outdoors may experience the effects of ozone. Individuals should try to limit outdoor activities when ozone reaches unhealthy levels. Ozone pollution is a concern during the summer months because strong sunlight and hot weather result in elevated levels of harmful ozone concentrations in the air we breathe. Many urban and suburban areas throughout the United States experience high levels of ground-level ozone. Many rural areas of the country are also subject to high ozone levels as winds carry emissions hundreds of miles away from their original sources. In New Jersey, all counties experience unhealthy ozone levels during the summer months. All of us can help reduce air pollution that can lead to ozone formation. Throughout the summer ozone season, you should: * Properly maintain your vehicle to comply with air pollution standards * Make sure your car's gas cap fits properly * Refuel cars after dusk * Do not "top off" your tank * Avoid unnecessary trips or consolidate trips * Limit idling your car * Carpool or use public transportation * Limit the use of gasoline powered mowers * Use water-based paints * Barbecue without starter fluid [[br]] NJDEP "What's in My Community?" mapping application: [https://njdep.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=76194937cbbe46b1ab9a9ec37c7d709b] On the map you will find every facility with an air permit registered with the Division of Air Quality at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.