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Cases Simultaneously Diagnosed with HIV and AIDS

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Year201020112012201320142015201620172018201920200.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%35.0%Percentage of HIV/AIDS CasesCases Simultaneously Diagnosed with HIV and AIDS by Race/Ethnicity, New Jersey, 2010 to 2020WhiteBlackHispanicNew Jersey

Why Is This Important?

AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV disease. Early detection and proper treatment can prevent the development of AIDS. 1


Percent of cases simultaneously diagnosed with HIV and AIDS

Data Source

Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System; Division of HIV, STD, and TB Services; New Jersey Department of Health

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of cases simultaneously diagnosed with HIV and AIDS
Denominator:Number of cases diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

How Are We Doing?

The Healthy New Jersey 2020 targets were achieved by all subpopulations before 2020, however the rate among Whites was above the target in 2020. More years of data are needed to determine if it was a one-time anomaly or a reversal of the trend.

More Resources

Living with HIV:

Footnote References

1. CDC, Getting Tested for HIV, 1/18/24

Indicator Data Last Updated On 05/09/2022, Published on 06/05/2024
HIV Services, Division of HIV, STD, and TB Services; New Jersey Department of Health; PO Box 363, Trenton, NJ 08625-0363 (