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Hip Fracture Hospitalizations among Older Adults

Summary Indicator Report Data View Options

Year2009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920200.0200.0400.0600.0800.01,000.0Rate per 100,000 Females Aged 65+ Years and OlderHip Fracture Hospitalizations among Older Adults by Year, Females, New Jersey, 2009 to 2020WhiteBlackHispanicAsianNew Jersey
Year2009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920200.050.0100.0150.0200.0250.0300.0350.0400.0450.0Rate per 100,000 Males Aged 65+ Years and OlderHip Fracture Hospitalizations among Older Adults by Year, Males, New Jersey, 2009 to 2020WhiteBlackHispanicAsianNew Jersey

Why Is This Important?

Hip fractures are considered to be one important proxy measure for the presence of osteoporosis, as well as a major consequence of this condition. Hospitalization rates from this cause are monitored in the absence of surveillance sources for osteoporosis.


The annual hospitalization rate as a result of fractures to the hip among older adults ages 65 years and older per 100,000 population.

Data Sources

How the Measure is Calculated

Numerator:Number of hospitalizations due to hip fractures among persons ages 65 and older per year
Denominator:Number of persons ages 65 and older in the population

How Are We Doing?

All original HNJ2020 targets were met by 2019. The revised HNJ2020 targets for females were also achieved before the end of the decade. The revised target for Asian males was met in 2018 and the targets for White males, Hispanic males, and males of all races/ethnicities combined were met in 2020 but that may be due in part to the overall hospital discharge volume decline in 2020 due mostly to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What Is Being Done?

Each September, the New Jersey Department of Human Services' (NJDHS) Division of Aging Services and a statewide Fall Prevention Coalition coordinate Fall Prevention Week to promote awareness of the impact of falls and strategies for reducing risk. Efforts are also in place to provide people at risk for falls with opportunities to learn about prevention and practice healthy behaviors. In collaboration with community partners, the NJDHS Division of Aging Services is building statewide capacity for local delivery of evidence-based fall prevention programs such as A Matter of Balance and Project Healthy Bones. In addition, a one-hour curriculum on fall prevention is available for health educators to use for community education (training required).

Available Services

The NJ Department of Human Services' Division of Aging Services offers numerous services and supports, including

  • A Matter of Balance
  • Project Healthy Bones
  • Fall Prevention

More Resources

Older Adult Fall Prevention:

Health Program Information

The NJDHS Division of Aging Services' HealthEASE program includes program coordination, as well as physical activity, health education, and coordinated screening components designed specifically for adults over the age of sixty. Components and related programs include group exercise, fall prevention education, management of concerns about falling, and bone density testing.

Indicator Data Last Updated On 02/10/2022, Published on 06/10/2024
Health Care Quality Assessment, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625-0360, e-mail: (