Inpatient Hospitalizations due to Asthma
Summary Indicator Report Data View Options
Inpatient Hospitalizations due to Asthma by County, New Jersey, 2023

Age-adjusted Rate per 10,000 Population
- Undetermined
- 2.5 - 3.50
- 3.50+ - 5.1
- 5.1+ - 7.6
- 7.6+ - 12.6
Why Is This Important?
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways that carry oxygen in and out of the lungs. Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled with an effective medical management plan and avoidance of environmental or occupational triggers.
Inpatient hospital discharges with a primary diagnosis of asthma.
- ICD-9-CM code: 493 (2000 through 2015)
- ICD-10-CM code: J45 (2016 and onward)
Data Sources
- Hospital Discharge Data Collection System (NJDDCS), Health Care Quality and Assessment, New Jersey Department of Health
( - Population Estimates, State Data Center, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
How the Measure is Calculated
Numerator: | Number of hospital discharges with a primary diagnosis of asthma |
Denominator: | Estimated number of persons in the population |
How Are We Doing?
In New Jersey, over 600,000 adults (9.0%) and 167,000 children (8.7%) are estimated to have asthma currently. The number of women with asthma is almost double the number of men with asthma; however, asthma occurs more frequently in boys than girls. Anyone can develop asthma; however, children, Black, Hispanic, and urban residents are most likely to be affected. Individuals with allergies and people with a family history of asthma are also most likely to suffer from this disease.
Inpatient hospitalization rates for asthma do not represent the total burden of the illness. Most asthma attacks are successfully managed without hospitalization. Many people with asthma prevent serious asthma attacks through avoidance of triggers and effective medical management. In addition, many people with asthma episodes are treated in emergency departments and are not included in inpatient hospitalization statistics. Inpatient hospitalization rates measure an infrequent, severe outcome of this disease.
Asthma inpatient hospitalization rates vary widely among New Jersey counties. Disparities in inpatient hospitalization rates likely reflect differences in: access to effective medical management; co-existing chronic diseases; and environmental or occupational asthma triggers.
Hospital claim volume for the 2020 calendar year was markedly lower than for 2019, mostly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
What Is Being Done?
The NJ Department of Health's Asthma Awareness and Education Program (AAEP) provides information on asthma for consumers and health professionals.
The NJ Department of Health's Occupational Health Service has a Work-Related Asthma Program that provides information to workers and employers about prevention of asthma in the workplace.
State law (Statute Amendment 18A:40-12.3) requires school districts to allow students to carry and administer their own asthma medication. The law further requires both public and non-public schools to provide and maintain at least one nebulizer for students with asthma.
Available Services
Asthma resources for those who cannot afford medication or treatment:
More Resources
Asthma publications and fact sheets can be obtained from the NJDOH at:
CDC Asthma Info: