Vaginal Birth after Previous Cesarean by County of Residence, New Jersey, 2018-2022
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Vaginal Birth after Previous Cesarean by County of Residence, New Jersey, 2018-2022

Why Is This Important?
VBAC is associated with decreased maternal morbidity and a decreased risk of complications in future pregnancies.[ ^1^]
A vaginal delivery by a mother who had a cesarean for one or more previous deliveries.
Data Notes
Counts are for the 5-year time period, not per year.Data Sources
- Birth Certificate Database, Office of Vital Statistics and Registry, New Jersey Department of Health
( - National Vital Statistics Reports, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
How the Measure is Calculated
Number of births delivered vaginally after a previous cesareanDenominator:
Total number of live births to mothers who previously had a cesarean