Cancer Five-Year Survival Rate by Race/Ethnicity, New Jersey, 2010 to 2020
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Why Is This Important?
Nearly 17 million Americans with a previous cancer diagnosis are living in the United States.[ ^1^] People are living longer after a cancer diagnosis because of advances in early detection and treatment.[ ^2^]
Five-year relative survival is the five-year survival experienced by a cohort of cancer patients in the absence of other causes of death. Relative survival takes into account the fact that some cancer patients will die of causes other than their cancer, and is calculated using survival life tables.
Data Notes
This is Healthy New Jersey 2020 objective CA-13. YEAR is the last year of follow-up, not the diagnosis year. For example, the data for 2010 include persons diagnosed in 2003-2007 and followed through the end of 2010, data for 2011 include persons diagnosed in 2004-2008 and followed through the end of 2011, and so forth. See Health Program Information section for a special note regarding 2010-2019 vs. 2020 data.Data Source
SEER*Stat, National Center Institute(
How the Measure is Calculated
The proportion of observed survivors (all causes of death) in a cohort of cancer patients who survive five years or longerDenominator:
The proportion of expected survivors in a comparable cohort of individuals without cancer who survive five years or longer
Related Health Objectives and Indicators
Health Initiative: HP2030
Healthy People 2030 Objective C-11
U.S. Target: Increase the proportion of cancer survivors who are living 5 years or longer after diagnosis to 66.2 percent by 2030
Health Initiative: HP2020
Healthy People 2020 Objective C-13
U.S. Target: Increase the proportion of cancer survivors who are living 5 years or longer after diagnosis to 71.7 percent by 2020
Health Initiative: HNJ2020
Healthy NJ 2020 Objective CA-13
NJ Target: Increase cancer five-year survival to 74.6 percent for the total population, 75.2% for Asians and Pacific Islanders, 65.7% for Blacks, 74.6% for Hispanics, and 75.0% for Whites by 2020