Neonatal Mortality by Leading Causes of Death, Rate, New Jersey, 2000-2004 to 2017-2021
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Why Is This Important?
Mortality during the neonatal period accounts for a large proportion of child deaths, and is considered to be a useful indicator of maternal and newborn neonatal health and care.[ ^1^]
Neonatal mortality is the death of an infant before 28 days of age. The neonatal mortality rate is the number of neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births. Infant mortality is death within the first year of life. It is divided into two components: death before the 28th day of life is neonatal mortality; death between 28 days and one year is postneonatal mortality.
Data Sources
- Birth Certificate Database, Office of Vital Statistics and Registry, New Jersey Department of Health
( - Linked Infant Death-Birth Database, Center for Health Statistics, New Jersey Department of Health
How the Measure is Calculated
Number of resident deaths occurring under 28 days of ageDenominator:
Number of live births to resident mothers
Related Health Objectives and Indicators
Environmental Public Health Tracking Indicator RBO-15
Description: Infant, neonatal, postneonatal, and perinatal mortality rates