Poverty among Children Under Five Years of Age by Race/Ethnicity, New Jersey, 2018-2022
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Why Is This Important?
Poverty affects a wide range of resources that can enhance or diminish quality of life and thus have a significant influence on health outcomes. These resources include safe and affordable housing, access to education, public safety, availability of healthy foods, local emergency/health services, and environments free of life-threatening toxins.[https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/social-determinants-of-health ^1^]
Children under 5 years of age living below poverty level
Data Notes
Data for White does not include Hispanics. Hispanic ethnicity includes persons of any race.Data Source
American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau(https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/)
How the Measure is Calculated
Estimated number of children under 5 years of age living in povertyDenominator:
Estimated number of children under 5 years of age in the population
Data Issues
The U.S. Census Bureau did not release its standard 1-year estimates from the 2020 American Community Survey because of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on data collection.Related Health Objectives and Indicators
Environmental Public Health Tracking Indicator PV-53
Description: Socioeconomic status: median household income, poverty, unemployment, educational attainmenthttps://ephtracking.cdc.gov/indicatorPages?selectedContentAreaAbbreviation=13&selectedIndicatorId=53