Health Care-Associated Infections: Knee Arthroplasty Surgical Site Infections, New Jersey Hospitals, 2010 to 2020
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Why Is This Important?
Healthcare-associated infections are among the top causes of unnecessary illnesses and deaths in the United States.[ ^1^]
Infections that are acquired in a health care setting, as measured by a standardized infection ratio (SIR) A standardized infection ratio (SIR) lower than 1.0 means the actual number is lower than expected.[[br]] A standardized infection ratio (SIR) higher than 1.0 means the actual number is greater than expected. All objectives and data are for hospitals only. Ambulatory surgery centers are not included.
Data Notes
This is HNJ2020 Objective HAI-6.Data Source
Healthcare-Associated Infections, National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(
How the Measure is Calculated
Total number of "observed" or actual infectionsDenominator:
Total number of "expected" infections (derived from the national baseline)
Data Issues
New baselines were calculated by CDC in 2015. As a result, SIRs for 2016 and subsequent years may be higher than those for 2010-2015.[[br]] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, acute care hospitals were only required to submit data during the second half of 2020.Related Health Objectives and Indicators
Health Initiative: HP2020
Healthy People 2020 Objective HAI-1
U.S. Target: Reduce central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) to 0.50 SIR or 50 percent reduction by 2020
Health Initiative: HNJ2020
Healthy NJ 2020 Objective HAI-1
NJ Target: Reduce central line blood related standardized infection ratio (SIR) to 0.5 by 2020 NJ 2020 Objective HAI-2
NJ Target: Reduce catheter associated urinary tract standardized infection ratio (SIR) to 0.75 by 2020 NJ 2020 Objective HAI-3
NJ Target: Reduce colon surgical site standardized infection ratio (SIR) to 0.69 by 2020 NJ 2020 Objective HAI-4
NJ Target: Reduce coronary artery bypass grafts surgical site standardized infection ratio (SIR) to 0.7 by 2020 NJ 2020 Objective HAI-5
NJ Target: Reduce abdominal hysterectomies surgical site standardized infection ratio (SIR) to 0.7 by 2020 NJ 2020 Objective HAI-6
NJ Target: Reduce knee arthroplasties surgical site standardized infection ratio (SIR) to 0.7 by 2020