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Dataset Queries

Click the blue bars below for more information about Dataset Queries or choose a dataset from the Dataset Queries menu above to get started.

What is a Dataset Query?

  1. Select a dataset from the drop-down menu above.
  2. Select a measure. Click one of the links on the dataset's Query Measure Selection page (e.g., counts or rates).
  3. Build your query. Follow the numbered steps (blue bars) on the Query Builder page to build your query. Click on a step bar to expand the step. Make selections to build your query. Making no selection on any or all steps will result in default values (usually "all") being used.
  4. Select tabulation variables and (optional) graph.
  5. Submit query. After you have built your query, click the "Submit" button below the last step to run your query.
  6. View and/or modify your results. From the results page you can Export the data table to Excel, use the three dots in the table headers to sort or filter data columns, or use the Modify Query button to modify your query selections.

For more information about these features and step-by-step examples see the Query Help page or the Query Tips page for more query system information.

  • There are thousands of possible combinations of variables and values that users can choose through the NJSHAD query builder screens. To achieve this degree of flexibility, pre-tabulated data and rates can not be used. Instead, true micro-level records feed the system which pulls from those datasets based on your variable and value selections.
  • NJSHAD also contains health status indicator reports with pre-tabulated data, graphs, and contextual information.

  • Click Export to Excel at the top left of the Data Table on a query result page to save the results in Microsoft Excel format.
  • To save as a PDF, use your browser's Print menu and choose "Save as PDF" or choose "Adobe PDF" as the printer name.

  • Instructions for putting query result graphs into other software packages (e.g., PowerPoint or Excel) are given on the Copying NJSHAD Graphs page.

  • Use and reproduction of the information published on this website is encouraged and may be done without permission. Please refer to the NJSHAD Citation page for suggested citation styles.

  • Choose Query System and Dataset-Specific Help on the bottom right of the Dataset Queries drop-down menu to find definitions, information, instructions, and examples.
  • Help icons like these question mark help iconglobe link icon throughout the query modules also provide information necessary to make specific query-related selections.