Dataset Queries and Dataset-Specific Help
For general NJSHAD help, FAQs, definitions, and more, click here. Click the blue bars below for more information on each Dataset Query-related item.
- NJSHAD Query System Tips and Tutorial
- NJSHAD Step-by-Step Demonstration - Webinar/Video (Sept 2017)
You must download the MP4 file. Webinar will not play in browser. Video has been edited down to 53 minutes, so it starts and ends abruptly. - Maps and Data Grouping Methods
- Printing and Exporting Tables
- Copy/Paste procedure for graphics and maps into Powerpoint, Word, or other applications
- Health Event Counts
- Health Event Rates
- Age-Adjusted Rates
- U.S. 2000 Weights for Age-Adjustment
- How to Calculate Life Expectancy
- How to Calculate Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL)
- Allocation of Data by Residence or Occurrence
- Confidence Intervals
- Convert Grams to Pounds
- Reliability and Validity
- Statistical Glossary
- Statistical Measures and Definitions
- Timeliness and Accuracy of Public Health Data
- Death Data Documentation
- ICD (International Classification of Diseases) Codes
- Causes of Death: Groups, Ranking, and Leading Causes
- NJDOH Major Causes of Death
- NCHS 52 Rankable Causes of Death
- NCHS 113 Selected Causes of Death
- Other Cause of Death Groupings
- Injury Matrix for ICD-10 codes
- 2009 Cause of Death Coding Problem (May 2013)
- Changes to 2000-2014 Death Dataset (July 2017)
Life Expectancy
Infant Mortality
- Infant Mortality Data Documentation
- NJDOH Major Causes of Infant Death
- NCHS 71 Rankable Causes of Infant Death
- NCHS 130 Selected Causes of Infant Death
Fetal Mortality
Behavioral Risk Factor Survey
Communicable Diseases
- Hospital Discharge Data Documentation
- ICD (International Classification of Diseases) Codes
- ICD Codes for Select Health Indicators
- Primary Diagnosis Categories
Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
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