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ICD-10 NJDOH External Cause of Injury

The NJDOH External Cause of Injury codes were grouped to be consistent with the External Cause of Injury Mortality Matrix for ICD-10 found on the NCHS website at These codes are used in the Injury Mortality Query Module.

Selections available in NJSHAD are numbered in the leftmost column. The codes are broken out by intent in the columns of the table.

ICD-10 NJDOH External Cause of Injury Matrix



All Intents





Legal Intervention


All MechanismsV01-Y36, Y85-Y87, Y89, *U01-*U03 V01-X59, Y85-Y86 X60-X84, Y87.0, *U03 X85-Y09, Y87.1, *U01-*U02Y10-Y34, Y87.2, Y89.9 Y35, Y89.0 Y36, Y89.1
1.Cut/PierceW25-W29, W45, X78, X99, Y28, Y35.4W25-W29, W45X78X99Y28Y35.4-
2.Drowning/SubmersionW65-W74, X71, X92, Y21W65-W74X71X92Y21--
3.FallW00-W19, X80, Y01, Y30W00-W19X80Y01Y30--
4.Fire/Flame/SmokeX00-X09, X76, X97, Y26, Y36.3, *U01.3X00-X09X76X97, *U01.3Y26-Y36.3
5.Hot Object/Substance, Caustic SubstanceX10-X19, X77, X98, Y27X10-X19X77X98Y27--
6.FirearmW32-W34, X72-X74, X93-X95, Y22-Y24, Y35.0, *U01.4W32-W34X72-X74X93-X95, *U01.4Y22-Y24Y35.0-
7.MachineryW24, W30-W31W24, W30-W31-----
All Transport
8.Motor Vehicle, TrafficV02-V04(.1,.9), V09.2, V12-V14(.3-.9), V19.4-V19.6, V20-V28(.3-.9), V29.4-V29.9, V30-V79(.4-.9), V80.3-V80.5, V81.1, V82.1, V83-V86(.0-.3), V87.0-V87.8, V89.2V02-V04(.1,.9), V09.2, V12-V14(.3-.9), V19.4-V19.6, V20-V28(.3-.9), V29.4-V29.9, V30-V79(.4-.9), V80.3-V80.5, V81.1, V82.1, V83-V86(.0-.3), V87.0-V87.8, V89.2-----
Motor Vehicle, Non-traffic
9.Pedal Cyclist, OtherV10-V11, V12-V14 (.0-.2), V15-V18, V19 (.0-.3, .8, .9)V10-V11, V12-V14 (.0-.2), V15-V18, V19 (.0-.3, .8, .9)-----
10.Pedestrian, OtherV01, V02-V04 (.0), V05, V06, V09 (.0, .1, .3, .9)V01, V02-V04 (.0), V05, V06, V09 (.0, .1, .3, .9)-----
12.Other Land TransportV20-V28 (.0-.2), V29 (.0-.3)
V30-V39 (.0-.3)
V40-V49 (.0-.3)
V50-V59 (.0-.3)
V60-V69 (.0-.3)
V70-V79 (.0-.3)
V80 (.0-.2, .6-.9)
V81-V82 (.0, .2-.9)
V83-V86 (.4-.9)
V87.9, V88 (.0-.9)
V89 (.0, .1, .3, .9)
X82, Y03, Y32
V20-V28 (.0-.2), V29 (.0-.3)
V30-V39 (.0-.3)
V40-V49 (.0-.3)
V50-V59 (.0-.3)
V60-V69 (.0-.3)
V70-V79 (.0-.3)
V80 (.0-.2, .6-.9)
V81-V82 (.0, .2-.9)
V83-V86 (.4-.9)
V87.9, V88 (.0-.9)
V89 (.0, .1, .3, .9)
13.Other TransportV90-V99 , Y36.1, *U01.1V90-V99-*U01.1--Y36.1
14.Natural/EnvironmentalW42, W43, W53-W64, W92-W99, X20-X39, X51-X57W42, W43, W53-W64, W92-W99, X20-X39, X51-X57-----
16.PoisoningX40-X49, X60-X69, X85-X90, Y10-Y19, Y35.2, *U01 (.6-.7)X40-X49X60-X69X85-X90, *U01 (.6-.7)Y10-Y19Y35.2-
17.Struck By or AgainstW20-W22, W50-W52, X79, Y00, Y04, Y29, Y35.3W20-W22, W50-W52X79Y00, Y04Y29Y35.3--
18.SuffocationW75-W84, X70, X91, Y20W75-W84X70X91Y20--
19.Other Specified and UnspecifiedW23, W35-W41, W44, W49, W85-W91, X58-X59, X75, X81, X83-X84, X96, Y02, Y05-Y09, Y25, Y31, Y33-Y34, Y35 (.1, .5-.7) Y36 (.0, .2, .4-.9), Y85-Y87.2, Y89 (.0, .1, .9), *U01 (.0, .2, .5, .8, .9), *U02, *U03 (.0, .9)
Other Specified, classifiableW23, W35-W41, W44, W49, W85-W91, X75, X81, X96, Y02, Y05-Y08, Y25, Y31, Y35,1, Y35.5, Y36(.0,.2,.4-.8), Y85, *U01(.0,.2,.5), *U03.0W23, W35-W41, W44, W49, W85-W91, Y85X75, X81, *U03.0 X96, Y02, Y05-Y07, *U01 (.0, .2, .5)Y25, Y31Y35.1, Y35.5)Y36.0, Y36.2, Y36.4-Y36.8
Other Specified, NECX58, X83, Y08, Y33, Y35.6, Y86, Y87.0, Y87.1, Y87.2, Y89.0-Y89.1, *U01.8, *U02X58, Y86X83, Y87.0Y08, Y87.1, *U01.8, *U02Y33, Y87.2Y35.6, Y89.0Y89.1
UnspecifiedX59, X84, Y09, Y34, Y35.7, Y36.9, Y89.9, *U01.9, *U03.9X59X84, *U03.9Y09, *U01.9Y34, Y89.9Y35.7Y36.9
Adverse Effects (Not included in All Mechanisms above)
1.Adverse Drug EventsY40-Y59, Y88.0Y40-Y59, Y88.0-----
2.Medical Procedures and Medical CareY60-Y84, Y88 (.1-.3)Y60-Y84, Y88 (.1-.3)-----

Codes for water transporatation-related drowning, V90 and V92, are included in the transportation codes rather than with the drowning codes.

The new ICD codes for terrorism are are preceded with '*'. See Classification of Death and Injury Resulting from Terrorism on the CDC website.