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Query Builder for New Jersey Birth Data: 1990-2022 - Percentage With Prenatal Care in the First Trimester

Query Builder Page Options

  • Select year grouping and year(s). Default is single years, most recent year.

  • Selecting years

    Use Ctrl to make multiple selections or drag the mouse to select consecutive years.

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  • Choose age groups below or enter custom age groups.

  • How to Specify Age Groups

    Enter whole numbers from 0 to 99.

    Use a hyphen to indicate a range of ages (e.g., "5-8" will include ages 5, 6, 7, and 8).

    You may use greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols.

    You may use a plus sign (+) to indicate all ages equal to or greater than (e.g.,"35+" yields all those aged 35 and over).

    Enter "unknown" to include those with unreported age in total results.

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  • Race and Ethnicity

    Race and Hispanic ethnicity are collected separately on birth certificates.

    Therefore each birth record has both a race (White, Black, etc.) and an ethnicity (Hispanic or non-Hispanic) for the mother and data for race and ethnicity may be presented separately (Race or Hispanic origin) or combined (Race/Ethnicity).

    Choose race, ethnicity, or race/ethnicity combined. Hover over the ? bubble or click the globe for more information.

  • Mother's Race

    Race groups include both Hispanics and non-Hispanics.

  • Mother's Ethnicity

    Ethnicity groups include persons of any race.

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  • Choose other characteristics of the mother to include in your analysis. The default is all mothers.

  • Mother's Birthplace

    NCHS uses "United States" to mean the 50 states plus the District of Columbia.U.S. Territories are Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa*, and Northern Marianas*. (*Included in "Remainder of World" prior to 2014.)To see results for the 50 states, DC, and territories combined, select both "U.S. States and D.C." and "U.S. Territories."In NJ, when maternal nativity = U.S. Territories, approximately 97% are from Puerto Rico.

  • Parity

    Parity is the number of previous live-born children a woman has delivered. Select 0 if looking for information about the first child born to a woman.

  • Alcohol Use

    Alcohol use during pregnancy is not collected on the new electronic birth registration system that was installed in New Jersey hospitals beginning in July, 2014, therefore all maternal alcohol use data after 2013 is shown as Unknown.

  • Drug Use

    Reporting of drug use during pregnancy was incomplete before 1996 and after 2013, therefore all maternal drug use data for 1990-1995 and after 2013 are shown as Unknown.

  • Medicaid Status

    Medicaid status is obtained from an item in the birth registration system, not from Medicaid claims. This item was not collected with birth registration prior to 1997, therefore all Medicaid status data for 1990-1996 are shown as Unknown.

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  • Choose infant characteristics to include in your analysis. The default is all infants.

  • Plurality

    All data in NJSHAD are for individual infants, therefore a set of twins shows as two births not one set and so forth for triplets, quadruplets, and so on.

    Plurality refers to the number of fetuses in the pregnancy not the number born, thus if there are fetal deaths during the pregnancy any surviving children are still considered multiples. Therefore, the number of quadruplets will not always be a multiple of four, the number of triplets a multiple of three, etc.

  • Birth Weight

    Very Low Birth Weight: Live-born infants whose birth weight was less than 1500 grams (about 3.3 lbs.)

    Low Birth Weight: Live-born infants whose birth weight was less than 2500 grams (about 5.5 lbs.)

    Normal Birth Weight: Live-born infants whose birth weight was at least 2500 grams but less than 4,000 grams

    High Birth Weight: Live-born infants whose birth weight was greater than 4,000 grams (about 8.8 lbs.)

  • Gestational Age

    Gestational Age is the period of time a baby is carried in the uterus or the duration of the pregnancy, measured from the first day of the last menstrual period. Full-term gestation is between 37 and 42 weeks.

  • Size for Gestational Age

    Small for gestational age (SGA) is a term used to describe a baby who is smaller than usual for the number of weeks of pregnancy. SGA babies usually have birthweights below the 10th percentile for babies of the same gestational age. This means that they weigh less than 90 percent of all other babies of the same gestational age.

    Large for gestational age (LGA) is a term used to describe a baby who is larger than usual for the number of weeks of pregnancy. LGA babies usually have birthweights above the 90th percentile for babies of the same gestational age. This means that they weigh more than 90 percent of all other babies of the same gestational age.

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  • Choose health services utilization characteristics to include in your analysis. The default is all characteristics.

  • Number of Prenatal Care Visits

    ACOG recommends the following prenatal care visit schedule:

    1 visit per month (every 4 weeks) until week 28

    2 visits per month (every 2 to 3 weeks) from weeks 28 to 36

    1 visit per week from week 36 until birth

    Certain medical conditions in pregnancy may necessitate more visits.

  • Fetal Presentation

    Vertex or unknown includes cephalic-vertex, other, or unknown. Non-vertex includes breech or cephalic non-vertex. (About 1% of records are other or unknown.)

  • Freestanding Birthing Centers

    No freestanding birthing centers were in operation in New Jersey between 2003 and 2010.

  • Attendant at Birth

    The way that type of birth attendant is captured in the electronic birth registration system changed in 2021, so data after 2021 may not be directly comparable to data before 2021.

  • Feeding at Discharge

    Data on the type of feeding at the time of discharge was not collected prior to 1997 and a data collection change in 2022 produced aggregate results incompatible with previous years, therefore all feeding at discharge data for 1990-1996 and 2022 forward are shown as Unknown.

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  • Selecting Geography

    Select the geographic areas you want to include.

    Choose the geographic areas to include in your analysis. The default is all New Jersey residents.

  • Military Bases

    Prior to 1999, all births to residents of military bases were assigned to neighboring municipalities.

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  • Choose state in which birth occurred. The default is all births to NJ residents regardless of place of occurrence.

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Primary group by field

Defines the data's primary grouping dimension. The primary grouping is required and also controls the ordering of the result's data rows. In MS-Excel and other graphing packages this is typically referred to as the the "dataset's category". If viewing in a 2-d table layout then this value/dimension is associated with table's "row" values. Others will refer to this value as the first "cross by" or the first dimension.

Optional secondary group by field

Defines the 2nd field (or dimension) to be used to group and aggregate values by. MS-Excel chart users will commonly refer to this as the dataset's "series" field. If viewing in a 2-d table layout then this field is associated with data table's value columns. Series group bys are optional. Maps and some charts, like the "Pie" chart, are currently not programmed to handle datasets that have more than one group by e.g. they only work with the primary category type group by being specified.

Optional chart graph

Defines the optional chart graphic to display.

NOTE: Maps and some charts, like the "Pie" chart, are currently not programmed to handle datasets that have more than one group by e.g. they only work with the primary category type group by being specified. All other charts will only work with a maximum of 2 group bys e.g. if the fixed group by exists then the series group by can NOT be used with charting or maps.

Optional Map Visualization

Defines the optional map graphic to display.

NOTE: Maps are only available when the category is set to a geographical area and does not have a series defined.
Center for Health Statistics, New Jersey Department of Health, PO Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625-0360, e-mail: (