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Query Builder for New Jersey Communicable Disease Data: 2010-2023 - Crude Rates (Cases Per 100,000 Population)

Query Builder Page Options

  • Selecting diseases

    Use Ctrl to make multiple selections or drag the mouse to select diseases listed consecutively.

    Choose diseases of interest. Default is all reportable diseases.

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  • Selecting years

    Use Ctrl to make multiple selections or drag the mouse to select consecutive years.

    Select year(s). Default is most recent year.

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  • Choose county of residence. The default is all counties.

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Primary group by field

Defines the data's primary grouping dimension. The primary grouping is required and also controls the ordering of the result's data rows. In MS-Excel and other graphing packages this is typically referred to as the the "dataset's category". If viewing in a 2-d table layout then this value/dimension is associated with table's "row" values. Others will refer to this value as the first "cross by" or the first dimension.

Optional secondary group by field

Defines the 2nd field (or dimension) to be used to group and aggregate values by. MS-Excel chart users will commonly refer to this as the dataset's "series" field. If viewing in a 2-d table layout then this field is associated with data table's value columns. Series group bys are optional. Maps and some charts, like the "Pie" chart, are currently not programmed to handle datasets that have more than one group by e.g. they only work with the primary category type group by being specified.

Optional chart graph

Defines the optional chart graphic to display.

NOTE: Maps and some charts, like the "Pie" chart, are currently not programmed to handle datasets that have more than one group by e.g. they only work with the primary category type group by being specified. All other charts will only work with a maximum of 2 group bys e.g. if the fixed group by exists then the series group by can NOT be used with charting or maps.

Optional Map Visualization

Defines the optional map graphic to display.

NOTE: Maps are only available when the category is set to a geographical area and does not have a series defined.
Communicable Disease Service, Infectious and Zoonotic Disease Program, New Jersey Department of Health, Trenton, NJ, 08625 (