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NJ Birth Data Query Measure Selection

  • Select a measure of interest from those listed below. Click its text link to go to the corresponding query builder page.
  • For further explanation of the measures, hover your cursor over the selection bar and a description of the measure will appear. Question mark icons to the right of some items provide additional information for those measures.
  • Birth dataset help and documentation

  • Cesarean Rate

    The percentage of infants delivered by c-section among all live births.

    Cesarean Delivery Rate
  • Low Risk (NTSV) Cesarean Rate

    The percentage of infants delivered by c-section among all live nulliparous (first birth), full term (37 completed weeks or more, based on the obstetric estimate), singleton (one fetus), vertex (head first) births. These four criteria are commonly referred to as NTSV.

    Low Risk (NTSV) Cesarean Delivery Rate
  • Primary Cesarean Rate

    The percentage of infants delivered by c-section among all live births to mothers who never had a c-section before.

    Primary Cesarean Delivery Rate
  • VBAC Rate

    The percentage of infants delivered vaginally among all live births to mothers who previously had a c-section.

    Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Delivery Rate