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NJ Mortality Data Query Measure Selection

*Select a measure of interest from those listed below. Click its text link to go to the corresponding query builder page. *For further explanation of the measures, hover your cursor over the selection bar and a description of the measure will appear. Question mark bubbles to the right of some items provide additional information for those measures. *Queryable mortality data for '''1968-1999''' are available on [ '''CDC WONDER''']. *[[a href="query/DeathQueryTechNotes.html" '''Mortality dataset help and documentation''']] *'''{{style color:red IMPORTANT NOTE}}''': Due to a change in population estimation methodology at the U.S. Census Bureau, rates for 2020 and later are not directly comparable to rates from before 2020. After 2010-2020 [[a href="" intercensal estimates]] are released by the Census Bureau in late 2024, all rates will be recalculated to enable trend analysis. *[[a href="query/selection/provdth/MortSelection.html" '''Provisional 2022-2024 death data query module''']] ''(updated monthly)''