NJ Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Data Query Measure Selection
- Select a measure of interest from those listed below. Click its text link to go to the corresponding query builder page.
- For further explanation of the measures, hover your cursor over the question mark bubbles to the right of the indicator names.
- Due to sample size constraints, data are not available for small geographic areas. CDC's PLACES provides data for most small areas.
- The NJBRFS dataset for 2018 is final but incomplete. More info. There are no 2019 NJBRFS data due to data collection issues.
- Due to changes in question wording and screening recommendations, some cancer-related data are not yet available for 2021 and/or 2022.
- NJ Behavioral Risk Factor Survey dataset documentation
General Health Status
Proportion of adults reporting fair, poor, good, very good, or excellent health
General Health Status
Proportion of adults reporting fair or poor health
Physical Health in Past 30 Days
Proportion of adults whose physical health was not good for the past 14 or more days
Proportion of adults who have at least one physical, mental, or emotional disabililty
Chronic Condition
Proportion of adults who have at least one of the following chronic conditions: asthma, cardiovascular disease, COPD, diabetes, and/or morbid obesity
Arthritis History
Proportion of adults with a history of arthritis
Proportion of adults who have ever had asthma
Current Asthma
Proportion of adults who currently have asthma
Proportion of adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Skin Cancer
Proportion of adults with skin cancer
Cancer (other than skin cancer)
Proportion of adults with other types of cancer besides skin cancer
Proportion of adults with diabetes
Proportion of adults with pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes
High Blood Pressure
Proportion of adults with high blood pressure (non-gestational)
High Cholesterol
Proportion of adults with high blood cholesterol
Coronary Heart Disease
Proportion of adults with coronary heart disease
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Proportion of adults who have had a heart attack (Myocardial Infarction)
Proportion of adults who have had a stroke
Kidney Disease
Proportion of adults with kidney disease
Proportion of adults who are obese based on Body Mass Index (BMI)
Proportion of adults in the specified weight category (Underweight, Normal Weight, Overweight, or Obese) based on BMI (Body Mass Index)
Frequent Mental Distress
Proportion of adults whose mental health was not good for 14 or more of the past 30 days
Lifetime Diagnosis of Depression
Proportion of adults who have ever been diagnosed with a depressive disorder (including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression)
Mental Health Treatment
Proportion of adults who are taking medicine or receiving treatment from a doctor or other health professional for any type of mental health condition or emotional problem
Seat Belt
Proportion of adults who always wear a seat belt when driving or riding in a car
Proportion of adults who report that they drove after having "perhaps too much to drink" at least once in past 30 days.
Had a Fall in Last 12 Months
Proportion of adults aged 45 or over who have fallen in the past 12 months
Injured in a Fall in Last 12 Months
Proportion of adults aged 45 or over who were injured from a fall in the past 12 months
Routine Doctor Visit
Proportion of adults who have visited a doctor for a routine checkup in the past year
Dental Visit
Proportion of adults who have visited a dentist in the past year
Natural Teeth Extracted
Proportion of adults whose permanent teeth have been all removed
Influenza Vaccination
Proportion of adults who received an influenza vaccination in the past year
Pneumococcal Vaccination
Proportion of adults who have ever received a pneumococcal vaccination
Shingles Vaccination
Proportion of adults aged 50+ who have ever received a shingles/zoster vaccination
Tetanus Vaccination
Proportion of adults who received a tetanus/Tdap vaccination in the past 10 years
Cholesterol Test
Proportion of adults who have had their blood cholesterol checked in the past 5 years
HIV Test
Proportion of adults who have ever been tested for HIV
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Proportion of adults aged 50+ meeting current guidelines for colorectal cancer screening
Proportion of women who had a mammogram within the past 2 years
Pap Test
Proportion of adult women with an intact cervix with a history of Pap test within the past 3 years
Proportion of adults who currently have health care coverage (including health insurance, prepaid plans such as HMOs, or government plans such as Medicare)
Unable to Get Needed Care Due to Cost
Proportion of adults who needed to see a doctor but could not due to cost in the last 12 months
Primary Provider
Proportion of adults who have a personal doctor or health care provider
Leisure Time Physical Activity
Proportion of adults without leisure time physical activity
Recommended Physical Activity
Proportion of adults who meet current Federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic physical activity
Current Cigarette Smoking
Proportion of adults who currently smoke cigarettes
Current and Former Smoking Status
Proportion of adults by smoking status (Currently smoke everyday, currently smoke some days, formerly smoked, or never smoked)
Smoking Cessation Attempt
Proportion of current smokers who have attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months
Current Smokeless Tobacco
Proportion of adults who currently use smokeless tobacco products
Current E-Cigarette Smoking
Proportion of adults who currently smoke e-cigarettes every day or some days
Alcohol Consumption
Proportion of adults consuming at least one alcoholic beverage during the past month
Binge Drinking (Episodic Heavy Drinking)
Proportion of adults consuming at least 4 alcoholic drinks (females) or at least 5 alcoholic drinks (males) on a single occasion at least once during the past month
Heavy Drinking
Proportion of adults consuming more than 30 alcoholic drinks (females) or 60 alcoholic drinks (males) during the past month