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NJ Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Data Query Measure Selection

  • Select a measure of interest from those listed below. Click its text link to go to the corresponding query builder page.
  • For further explanation of the measures, hover your cursor over the question mark bubbles to the right of the indicator names.
  • Due to sample size constraints, data are not available for small geographic areas. CDC's PLACES provides data for most small areas.
  • The NJBRFS dataset for 2018 is final but incomplete. More info. There are no 2019 NJBRFS data due to data collection issues.
  • Due to changes in question wording and screening recommendations, some cancer-related data are not yet available for 2021 and/or 2022.
  • NJ Behavioral Risk Factor Survey dataset documentation

  • General Health Status

    Proportion of adults reporting fair, poor, good, very good, or excellent health

  • General Health Status

    Proportion of adults reporting fair or poor health

  • Physical Health in Past 30 Days

    Proportion of adults whose physical health was not good for the past 14 or more days

  • Disability

    Proportion of adults who have at least one physical, mental, or emotional disabililty

  • Chronic Condition

    Proportion of adults who have at least one of the following chronic conditions: asthma, cardiovascular disease, COPD, diabetes, and/or morbid obesity

  • Frequent Mental Distress

    Proportion of adults whose mental health was not good for 14 or more of the past 30 days

  • Lifetime Diagnosis of Depression

    Proportion of adults who have ever been diagnosed with a depressive disorder (including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression)

  • Mental Health Treatment

    Proportion of adults who are taking medicine or receiving treatment from a doctor or other health professional for any type of mental health condition or emotional problem

  • Leisure Time Physical Activity

    Proportion of adults without leisure time physical activity

  • Recommended Physical Activity

    Proportion of adults who meet current Federal physical activity guidelines for aerobic physical activity

  • Current Cigarette Smoking

    Proportion of adults who currently smoke cigarettes

  • Current and Former Smoking Status

    Proportion of adults by smoking status (Currently smoke everyday, currently smoke some days, formerly smoked, or never smoked)

  • Smoking Cessation Attempt

    Proportion of current smokers who have attempted to quit smoking in the past 12 months

  • Current Smokeless Tobacco

    Proportion of adults who currently use smokeless tobacco products

  • Current E-Cigarette Smoking

    Proportion of adults who currently smoke e-cigarettes every day or some days

  • Alcohol Consumption

    Proportion of adults consuming at least one alcoholic beverage during the past month

  • Binge Drinking (Episodic Heavy Drinking)

    Proportion of adults consuming at least 4 alcoholic drinks (females) or at least 5 alcoholic drinks (males) on a single occasion at least once during the past month

  • Heavy Drinking

    Proportion of adults consuming more than 30 alcoholic drinks (females) or 60 alcoholic drinks (males) during the past month