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NJ Provisional 2022-2024 Death Data Query Measure Selection

*{{style color:red '''THE DATA IN THIS QUERY MODULE ARE NOT FINALIZED.'''}} All counts shown are subject to change and should only be used for public health surveillance purposes, not research. Some records may have invalid or out-of-range values that still need correction. *The total death count for a given date is mostly complete about a week after that date. However, '''cause of death coding''' takes ''at least'' a week and sometimes longer than a month for some records, therefore the most recent deaths have blank causes of death. *The module will be updated monthly. The date the dataset was last updated will show in the '''Query Date Time Stamp''' below the Data Table after a query is submitted. *Some but not all deaths of NJ residents that occurred out of state are included. *[[a href="contentfile/sharedstatic/ProvisionalDeathDataNotes.pdf" '''All caveats for provisional death data''']] and [[a href="query/DeathQueryTechNotes.html" '''Mortality dataset help and documentation''']] *'''[ Understanding the Numbers and Death Certificate Data]''' (goes to CDC website) *[ '''Excess deaths, average daily death count, leading causes of death, and more COVID-related mortality statistics and reports''']