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Additional Data Resources

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Datasets are maintained by the office that has programmatic responsibility for that particular topic. The following are links to New Jersey public health and related data not in NJSHAD. Clicking any links below will take you off of the NJSHAD website.

Not all New Jersey public health and related data are maintained by NJDOH. The following are links to New Jersey data not in NJSHAD or NJDOH. Clicking any links below will take you off of the NJSHAD website.

Census Data and Population Estimates

  • NJ State Data Center: Data are provided for the state, metropolitan areas, counties, and municipalities.
  • U.S. Census Bureau: Population Estimates Program (PEP), American Community Survey, Current Population Survey, and more
  • State and county population estimates are also available on CDC WONDER.

Community Health Assessment

Health Insurance Coverage

Substance Abuse (including alcohol)

  • Use NJSHAD Community Profiles to see dashboards of multiple health indicators for each of the four largest racial/ethnic groups in New Jersey. Dashboards are also available by sex, disability status, educational attainment level, poverty status, and county of residence.
  • Go to the Searchable, Sortable, Filterable Table of All Health Indicator Reports and enter "race" in the Quick Row Filter box to see all indicator reports with data displayed by race/ethnicity. Enter "age" or "sex" in the Data Views filter to see all indicator reports with data by age or sex.
  • Data may be filtered or grouped by race/ethnicity, age, and sex in all Dataset Queries except Communicable Disease Incidence. Demographic and Geographic Data Availability is a quick reference guide to which demographic variables are in each query module.


County-level data are available through NJSHAD in Community Profiles, some Indicator Reports, and all Dataset Queries, except PRAMS.

NEW! Demographic and Geographic Data Availability in Query Modules shows geographic levels available in each query module.
In the query system:
"Select geographic area of residence" is one of the last query builder steps and that is where the county/municipality filter is.
Choose "Geographic Area" in the final step: "How to Display the Data" to see data listed by county/municipality.

Other sources of sub-county-level data

If you need "raw" data files, you must first receive Institutional Review Board approval. NJDOH's IRB is administered by Rowan University. Instructions can be found on