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Access to Care/Health Insurance

hospital beds
People without health insurance are less likely to get the health care services and medications they need and are more likely to have poor health outcomes.1

1. Health Care Access and Quality Overview and Objectives. Healthy People 2030. 10/29/24.

Why It's Important

Access to comprehensive, quality healthcare services is important for promoting and maintaining health, preventing and managing disease, reducing unnecessary disability and premature death, and achieving health equity for all Americans.2

2. 2023 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. December 2023

Who's at Risk

Access to care often varies based on social determinants of health (social, economic, environmental, and community conditions).3 Reasons that people don't get recommended health care services include not having a primary care provider, living too far away from health care providers who offer those services, lack of health insurance or inadequate coverage, cost, distrust, inconvenient office hours, lack of transportation, lack of childcare, and inability to take time off from work to attend medical appointments.

3. 2023 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report: Executive Summary. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. December 2023.

How It's Tracked

Estimates of the number of people who are uninsured are available from several sources, including federal surveys, such as: Clinical preventive services include immunizations, screening tests, lifestyle counseling, and preventive medications and are tracked primarily through the New Jersey Behavioral Risk Factor Survey.

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