Health Topics
- Each icon below links to a page that contains information for that topic, links to associated Indicator Reports and Dataset Queries in NJSHAD, and links to other data and information outside of NJSHAD.
- Indicator Reports provide graphs, maps, public health context, and data tables for a narrowly defined health topic. (e.g., low birth weight or leading causes of death)
- Associated Indicator Reports are listed on the right side of a Health Topic page.
- Dataset Queries can be used to create your own tables, graphs, and maps of New Jersey Department of Health data.
- Query result pages also have dataset details, including data sources and tips on how data can or cannot be used.
- Associated Queryable Datasets are listed on the right side of a Health Topic page.
- Some NJSHAD content does not fit into a Health Topic. Please check the Indicator Reports, Dataset Queries, and More Data links on the above menu for additional data or use the Search feature to the right of the menu bar.
Health Topic pages are not optimized for viewing on narrow screens (e.g., mobile devices).