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Occupational Health

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Work-related illnesses and injuries include any illness or injury incurred by an employee engaged in work-related activities while on or off the worksite.

Why It's Important

Despite workplace safety and health improvements in recent decades, people still get sick or injured on the job. Work environments have a major impact on health because so much time is spent at work. People may develop hearing loss, skin diseases, lead poisoning, or lung problems from exposure at work. Others are at risk of falling or being assaulted while working. 1

1. Workplace Healthy People 2030. 12/1/23.

How It's Tracked

The New Jersey Department of Health's Occupational Health Surveillance Unit uses multiple data sources to track workplace injury and illness, develop intervention strategies, and provide employers with practical solutions to reduce hazards in New Jersey workplaces.


Other Data and Information Resources

New Jersey
