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Substance Use

whiskey glass, spoon with white powder, and injection needle
Substance use disorders occur when regular use of alcohol and/or drugs impacts daily functioning, including health problems, disability, and inability to meet important responsibilities at home, work, or school.1

1. Substance Use Disorders, SAMHSA, 4/27/22.

Why It's Important

Many leading causes of death may be at least partially caused by the abuse of drugs. Unintentional injuries, including overdose, and suicide are associated with the use of drugs.

What Is Known

The drug overdose epidemic continues to worsen in the U.S. There were more than 100,000 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2022, 75% of which involved an opioid.2

How It's Tracked

New Jersey's Division of Addiction Services is housed in the Department of Human Services.

Substance use is primarily tracked nationally through:


Other Data and Information Resources

New Jersey

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services