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Below Poverty Level Poverty Status Community Health Profile
Community Health Profile Report Options
List of health indicators based on the selected
set of indicators that have data for the selected
You can change the set of health indicators to
be reported on by using the drop down list.
Click on the title link in the list
for a more detailed view of that community's
health indicator.
Indicator Set Sort Order
Indicator Sort Order
Indicator Title
Indicator Definition
Period Title
Period Value (raw)
Period Value
Measure Title
Community Value (raw)
Community Value
Lower Confidence Limit
Upper Confidence Limit
Below Poverty Level Poverty Status
New Jersey
New Jersey Compared to Code
Compared to New Jersey
United States
United States Compared to Code
Compared to United States
Foreign-Born Population
Percent of the total population that is foreign-born, where foreign-born means not born in the 50 states, Washington DC, US territories, or abroad to American parent(s)
Percent of the total population that is foreign-born, where foreign-born means not born in the 50 states, Washington DC, US territories, or abroad to American parent(s)
There is no health indicator data currently available for the
selected combination of Community Type and Set of Health Indicators.
Please select a different community and/or different set of indicators.
All indicators in this set use data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Click here for more information about NJSHAD Community Profiles.