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Hispanic Race/Ethnicity Community Health Profile

Community Health Profile Report Options

List of health indicators based on the selected set of indicators that have data for the selected community. You can change the set of health indicators to be reported on by using the drop down list. Click on the title link in the list for a more detailed view of that community's health indicator.
IndicatorHispanic Race/EthnicityNew JerseyCompared to New JerseyUnited StatesCompared to United States
HealthInsCov101151Health Insurance Coverage, Under Age 65Percentage of New Jersey residents under age 65 without health insurance coverage
Percentage of New Jersey residents under age 65 without health insurance coverage
Health Insurance Coverage, Under Age 65
(Percentage of persons, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of persons18Stable18.0%17.3%18.7% 18.0%
(17.3% - 18.7%)
PersonalDoctor102200Personal Doctor or Health Care ProviderPercentage of adults who reported having one or more persons they think of as their personal doctor or health care provider.
Percentage of adults who reported having one or more persons they think of as their personal doctor or health care provider.
Personal Doctor or Health Care Provider
(Percentage of persons, 2021)
Single Calendar Years20212021Percentage of persons65Stable65.0%62.1%67.9% 65.0%
(62.1% - 67.9%)
AsthmaDeath201137Deaths due to AsthmaDeaths with asthma as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: J45-J46
Deaths with asthma as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: J45-J46
Deaths due to Asthma
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2018-2020)
3 Year Groups20202018-2020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population1.3Stable1.31.01.6 1.3
(1.0 - 1.6)
NJEPHTAsthmaED203406Emergency Department Visits due to AsthmaEmergency department (ED) visits with a primary diagnosis of asthma. *ICD-9-CM code: 493 (2000 through 2015) *ICD-10-CM code: J45 (2016 and onward)
Emergency department (ED) visits with a primary diagnosis of asthma. *ICD-9-CM code: 493 (2000 through 2015) *ICD-10-CM code: J45 (2016 and onward)
Emergency Department Visits due to Asthma
(Rate per 100,000, 2021)
Single Calendar Years20212021Rate per 100,000589DNA589 589 634NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
CancerDeath301135Deaths due to CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: C00-C97
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: C00-C97
Deaths due to Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population91.9Stable91.987.696.3 91.9
(87.6 - 96.3)
LungCADth302137Deaths due to Lung CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the trachea, bronchus, and lung as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 codes: C33-C34
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the trachea, bronchus, and lung as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 codes: C33-C34
Deaths due to Lung Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population13.4Stable13.411.415.4 13.4
(11.4 - 15.4)
BreastCaDth303137Deaths due to Breast CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the female breast as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 code: C50
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the female breast as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 code: C50
Deaths due to Breast Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population13.2Stable13.210.715.7 13.2
(10.7 - 15.7)
CervCADth304137Deaths due to Cervical CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the cervix uteri as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 code: C53
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the cervix uteri as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 code: C53
Deaths due to Cervical Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 PopulationDNA undefined 1.8NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval2.2NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval
ColorectCaDth305137Deaths due to Colorectal CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the colon, rectum, and anus as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 codes: C18-C21
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the colon, rectum, and anus as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 codes: C18-C21
Deaths due to Colorectal Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population10.1Stable10.18.411.7 10.1
(8.4 - 11.7)
OralCaDeath306137Deaths due to Oropharyngeal CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 codes: C00-C14
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 codes: C00-C14
Deaths due to Oropharyngeal Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2018-2020)
3 Year Groups20202018-2020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population1.4Stable1.41.01.7 1.4
(1.0 - 1.7)
ProstateCaDth307137Deaths due to Prostate CancerDeaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the prostate as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 code: C61
Deaths with malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the prostate as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 code: C61
Deaths due to Prostate Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population11.1Stable11.18.214.2 11.1
(8.2 - 14.2)
ColorectalCaInc309153Incidence of Colorectal CancerAge-adjusted incidence rate of cancer of the colon and rectum per 100,000 standard population ICD-O-3 codes: C18.0-C20.9 (excl. types 9590-9992)
Age-adjusted incidence rate of cancer of the colon and rectum per 100,000 standard population ICD-O-3 codes: C18.0-C20.9 (excl. types 9590-9992)
Incidence of Colorectal Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population32.5DNA32.5 32.5 35.5NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
CervCancer310153Incidence of Cervical CancerAge-adjusted incidence rate of invasive cervical cancer in females per 100,000 standard population. ICD-O-3 codes: C53.0-C53.9 (excl. types 9590-9992)
Age-adjusted incidence rate of invasive cervical cancer in females per 100,000 standard population. ICD-O-3 codes: C53.0-C53.9 (excl. types 9590-9992)
Incidence of Cervical Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population7.8DNA7.8 7.8 6.4NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
BreastCaInc311153Incidence of Late-Stage Breast CancerAge-adjusted incidence rate of breast cancer diagnosed at a late stage in females per 100,000 standard population. * ICD-O-3 codes: C50.0-C50.9 (excl. types 9590-9992) * Late stage = regional (Stage 2-5) and distant (Stage 7)
Age-adjusted incidence rate of breast cancer diagnosed at a late stage in females per 100,000 standard population. * ICD-O-3 codes: C50.0-C50.9 (excl. types 9590-9992) * Late stage = regional (Stage 2-5) and distant (Stage 7)
Incidence of Late-Stage Breast Cancer
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population33.5DNA33.5 33.5 41.4NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
Cancer5Yr312153Cancer Five-Year Survival RateFive-year relative survival is the five-year survival experienced by a cohort of cancer patients in the absence of other causes of death. Relative survival takes into account the fact that some cancer patients will die of causes other than their cancer, and is calculated using survival life tables.
Five-year relative survival is the five-year survival experienced by a cohort of cancer patients in the absence of other causes of death. Relative survival takes into account the fact that some cancer patients will die of causes other than their cancer, and is calculated using survival life tables.
Cancer Five-Year Survival Rate
(Five-year Relative Survival (%), 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Five-year Relative Survival (%)72.3DNA72.3% 72.3% 71.3%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
KidneyDisDeath401135Deaths due to Kidney DiseaseDeaths with nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (kidney disease) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27
Deaths with nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (kidney disease) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27
Deaths due to Kidney Disease
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population11.8Stable11.810.313.4 11.8
(10.3 - 13.4)
ESRDInc402154End-Stage Renal Disease IncidenceNew cases of end-stage renal disease per 100,000 population. (See graph-specific Data Notes.)
New cases of end-stage renal disease per 100,000 population. (See graph-specific Data Notes.)
End-Stage Renal Disease Incidence
(Rate per 100,000, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Rate per 100,00026DNA26.0 26.0 41.0NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
ESRDDeath404137Deaths due to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)Deaths with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 code: N18.0 (1999-2010), N18.5 (2011 and after)
Deaths with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) as the underlying cause of death ICD-10 code: N18.0 (1999-2010), N18.5 (2011 and after)
Deaths due to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2018-2020)
3 Year Groups20202018-2020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population5.9Stable5.95.16.7 5.9
(5.1 - 6.7)
DiabetesDeath501135Deaths due to DiabetesDeaths with diabetes as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: E10-E14
Deaths with diabetes as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: E10-E14
Deaths due to Diabetes
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population25.3Stable25.323.027.6 25.3
(23.0 - 27.6)
DiabAmp502155Lower Extremity Amputations Among Persons with DiabetesIncidence of lower extremity amputations per 1,000 persons diagnosed with diabetes
Incidence of lower extremity amputations per 1,000 persons diagnosed with diabetes
Lower Extremity Amputations Among Persons with Diabetes
(Rate per 1,000 Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Rate per 1,000 Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes2.4DNA2.4 2.4 3.2NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
DiabEye503204Dilated Eye Exams Among Persons with DiabetesPercentage of persons aged 18 years and older with diagnosed diabetes who have had a dilated eye exam within the past year.
Percentage of persons aged 18 years and older with diagnosed diabetes who have had a dilated eye exam within the past year.
Dilated Eye Exams Among Persons with Diabetes
(Percentage, Age-adjusted, 2018-2021)
3 Years Grouped without 201920212018-2021Percentage, Age-adjusted62.7Stable62.7%56.1%69.2% 62.7%
(56.1% - 69.2%)
NoComparisonValueNo comparison valueNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
Hemoglobin504204Hemoglobin Screening Among Adults with Diagnosed DiabetesAge-adjusted proportion of adults aged 18 years and older with diagnosed diabetes who self-reported having a glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) measurement at least twice a year.
Age-adjusted proportion of adults aged 18 years and older with diagnosed diabetes who self-reported having a glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) measurement at least twice a year.
Hemoglobin Screening Among Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes
(Percentage, Age-adjusted, 2018-2021)
3 Years Grouped without 201920212018-2021Percentage, Age-adjusted57.2Stable57.2%50.8%63.6% 57.2%
(50.8% - 63.6%)
NoComparisonValueNo comparison valueNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
CHDDeath801137Deaths due to Coronary Heart DiseaseDeaths with coronary heart disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I11 (hypertensive heart disease), I20-I25 (ischemic heart disease)
Deaths with coronary heart disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I11 (hypertensive heart disease), I20-I25 (ischemic heart disease)
Deaths due to Coronary Heart Disease
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population71.6Stable71.667.775.4 71.6
(67.7 - 75.4)
StrokeDeath802135Deaths due to StrokeDeaths with cerebrovascular disease (stroke) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I60-I69
Deaths with cerebrovascular disease (stroke) as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: I60-I69
Deaths due to Stroke
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population23.3Stable23.321.125.5 23.3
(21.1 - 25.5)
Cholesterol803204Self-Reported Cholesterol ScreeningProportion of adults aged 18 and older who have had their blood cholesterol checked by a health professional within the past five years.
Proportion of adults aged 18 and older who have had their blood cholesterol checked by a health professional within the past five years.
Self-Reported Cholesterol Screening
(Percentage, Age-adjusted, 2021)
Single Calendar Years20212021Percentage, Age-adjusted84.9Stable84.9%82.6%87.2% 84.9%
(82.6% - 87.2%)
89.4%WorseWorseNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
HIVTransmission901159HIV Transmission RateThe rate of HIV transmission among adolescents and adults per 100,000 population
The rate of HIV transmission among adolescents and adults per 100,000 population
HIV Transmission Rate
(Rate per 100,000, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Rate per 100,00018.4DNA18.4 18.4 9.9NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
HIVCare902159HIV Care and TreatmentPercent of HIV-infected adolescents and adults who receive HIV care and treatment consistent with current standards
Percent of HIV-infected adolescents and adults who receive HIV care and treatment consistent with current standards
HIV Care and Treatment
(Percentage of persons, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Percentage of persons70DNA70.0% 70.0% 69.0%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
HIVDeath903137Deaths due to HIV DiseaseDeaths with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: B20-B24
Deaths with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: B20-B24
Deaths due to HIV Disease
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population1.6Stable1.61.02.2 1.6
(1.0 - 2.2)
HIVViralLoad904159Suppressed Viral Load among HIV Positive AdultsPercent of HIV-positive adults whose viral load is less than or equal to 200 copies per millileter Viral suppression is reducing the amount of HIV in the blood and elsewhere in the body to very low levels.[ ^1^]
Percent of HIV-positive adults whose viral load is less than or equal to 200 copies per millileter Viral suppression is reducing the amount of HIV in the blood and elsewhere in the body to very low levels.[ ^1^]
Suppressed Viral Load among HIV Positive Adults
(Percentage of persons, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Percentage of persons58DNA58.0% 58.0% 56.0%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
HIVAIDSDx905159Cases Simultaneously Diagnosed with HIV and AIDSPercent of cases simultaneously diagnosed with HIV and AIDS
Percent of cases simultaneously diagnosed with HIV and AIDS
Cases Simultaneously Diagnosed with HIV and AIDS
(Percentage, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Percentage19.4DNA19.4% 19.4% 18.7%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
Homicide1101137HomicideDeaths where homicide is indicated as the underlying cause of death. Homicide is defined as death resulting from the intentional use of force or power, threatened or actual, against another person, group, or community. ICD-10 Codes: X85-Y09, Y87.1 (homicide) The homicides that occurred as a result of the events of September 11, 2001, have been excluded. Also, homicides due to legal intervention, which is the death of a person by a police officer in the line of duty, have been excluded.
Deaths where homicide is indicated as the underlying cause of death. Homicide is defined as death resulting from the intentional use of force or power, threatened or actual, against another person, group, or community. ICD-10 Codes: X85-Y09, Y87.1 (homicide) The homicides that occurred as a result of the events of September 11, 2001, have been excluded. Also, homicides due to legal intervention, which is the death of a person by a police officer in the line of duty, have been excluded.
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population4.5Stable4.53.65.4 4.5
(3.6 - 5.4)
Firearm1102137Deaths due to Firearm-related InjuryDeaths with a firearm-related injury as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: W32-W34 (unintentional), X72-X74 (suicide), X93-X95 (homicide), Y22-Y24 (undetermined intent), Y35.0 (legal intervention)
Deaths with a firearm-related injury as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: W32-W34 (unintentional), X72-X74 (suicide), X93-X95 (homicide), Y22-Y24 (undetermined intent), Y35.0 (legal intervention)
Deaths due to Firearm-related Injury
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population2.9Stable2.92.23.7 2.9
(2.2 - 3.7)
Suicide1103137SuicideDeaths with suicide as the underlying cause. ICD-10 codes: X60-X84, Y87.0
Deaths with suicide as the underlying cause. ICD-10 codes: X60-X84, Y87.0
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population3.9Stable3.93.04.8 3.9
(3.0 - 4.8)
SuicideAttempt1104161Youth Suicide AttemptsActual suicide attempts among high school students in the 12 months prior to survey, regardless of whether medical attention was required
Actual suicide attempts among high school students in the 12 months prior to survey, regardless of whether medical attention was required
Youth Suicide Attempts
(Percentage of persons, 2019)
Single Calendar Years20192019Percentage of persons5.3Unstable5.3%3.1%8.9% 5.3%
(3.1% - 8.9%)
MVDeaths1105137Deaths due to Motor Vehicle-Related InjuriesDeaths with motor vehicle-related injury as the underlying cause of death. Motor vehicle-related deaths include motor vehicle and motorcycle drivers and passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclists struck by motor vehicles both on roadways in traffic and in other areas such as parking lots and driveways. ICD-10 codes: V02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2
Deaths with motor vehicle-related injury as the underlying cause of death. Motor vehicle-related deaths include motor vehicle and motorcycle drivers and passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclists struck by motor vehicles both on roadways in traffic and in other areas such as parking lots and driveways. ICD-10 codes: V02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2
Deaths due to Motor Vehicle-Related Injuries
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population7.1Stable7.15.98.3 7.1
(5.9 - 8.3)
PoisoningDth1106137Deaths due to Unintentional PoisoningDeaths with unintentional poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: X40-X49 (includes poisoning by legal and illegal drugs, alcohol, gases and vapors such as carbon monoxide and automobile exhaust, pesticides, and other chemicals and noxious substances) '''''This includes, but is not limited to, opioids and other drugs.'''''
Deaths with unintentional poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: X40-X49 (includes poisoning by legal and illegal drugs, alcohol, gases and vapors such as carbon monoxide and automobile exhaust, pesticides, and other chemicals and noxious substances) '''''This includes, but is not limited to, opioids and other drugs.'''''
Deaths due to Unintentional Poisoning
(Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Age-adjusted Rate per 100,000 Population24.4Stable24.422.226.6 24.4
(22.2 - 26.6)
EPHTInfMort1201120Infant MortalityInfant mortality is the death of an infant before his or her first birthday. The infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births.
Infant mortality is the death of an infant before his or her first birthday. The infant mortality rate is the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births.
Infant Mortality
(Deaths per 1,000 Live Births, 2021)
Single Calendar Years20212021Deaths per 1,000 Live Births3.7Stable3.73.04.4 3.7
(3.0 - 4.4)
LBW1202104Low Birth WeightPercent of live births with a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams (approximately 5 lbs, 8 oz).
Percent of live births with a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams (approximately 5 lbs, 8 oz).
Low Birth Weight
(Percentage of Live Births, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of Live Births7.9Stable7.9%7.6%8.2% 7.9%
(7.6% - 8.2%)
VLBW1202104Very Low Birth WeightPercent of live births with a birth weight of less than 1,500 grams (approximately 3 lbs, 5 oz.)
Percent of live births with a birth weight of less than 1,500 grams (approximately 3 lbs, 5 oz.)
Very Low Birth Weight
(Percentage of Live Births, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of Live Births1.3Stable1.3%1.2%1.4% 1.3%
(1.2% - 1.4%)
1.2%SimilarSimilarNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
PNC11203105First Trimester Prenatal CareNumber of live births to pregnant women who received prenatal care in the first trimester as a percentage of the total number of live births.
Number of live births to pregnant women who received prenatal care in the first trimester as a percentage of the total number of live births.
First Trimester Prenatal Care
(Percentage of Live Births, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of Live Births60.1Stable60.1%59.6%60.6% 60.1%
(59.6% - 60.6%)
72.5%WorseWorseNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
PregAlcohol1204109Alcohol Use During PregnancyPercentage of live births to mothers who reported use of alcohol during their most recent pregnancy
Percentage of live births to mothers who reported use of alcohol during their most recent pregnancy
Alcohol Use During Pregnancy
(Percentage of persons, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Percentage of persons7.1Stable7.1%4.7%10.6% 7.1%
(4.7% - 10.6%)
9.2%SimilarSimilarNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
PregTobacco1205102Tobacco Use During PregnancySelf-reported use of any tobacco product by the mother during pregnancy
Self-reported use of any tobacco product by the mother during pregnancy
Tobacco Use During Pregnancy
(Percentage of Live Births, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of Live Births0.922334843DNA0.9% 0.9% 1.3%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval3.7%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval
SafeSleep1206109Safe SleepSelf-reported practice of putting infants on their backs to sleep
Self-reported practice of putting infants on their backs to sleep
Safe Sleep
(Percentage of persons, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Percentage of persons63.6Stable63.6%58.1%68.9% 63.6%
(58.1% - 68.9%)
73.7%WorseWorseNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
TeenBirths1210101Births to Teen MothersThe number of live births to females in a specific age group per 1,000 females in the age group.
The number of live births to females in a specific age group per 1,000 females in the age group.
Births to Teen Mothers
(Live Births per 1,000 Females, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Live Births per 1,000 Females8.8Stable8.88.09.7 8.8
(8.0 - 9.7)
NoComparisonValueNo comparison valueNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
HearScreenPos1213108Hearing Loss Positive Screening Follow-UpPercentage of infants receiving audiologic follow-up after a positive screening for hearing loss by 3 months of age. Audiologic follow-up includes pass results on outpatient re-screening exams.
Percentage of infants receiving audiologic follow-up after a positive screening for hearing loss by 3 months of age. Audiologic follow-up includes pass results on outpatient re-screening exams.
Hearing Loss Positive Screening Follow-Up
(Percentage of persons, 2021)
Single Calendar Years20212021Percentage of persons69.7DNA69.7% 69.7% 65.1%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
MODLowRisk1214106Cesarean Deliveries among Low Risk WomenThe low-risk cesarean delivery rate is the percentage of cesarean deliveries among '''n'''ulliparous (first birth), '''t'''erm (37 completed weeks or more, based on the obstetric estimate), '''s'''ingleton (one fetus), '''v'''ertex (head first) births, sometimes referred to as NTSV births.
The low-risk cesarean delivery rate is the percentage of cesarean deliveries among '''n'''ulliparous (first birth), '''t'''erm (37 completed weeks or more, based on the obstetric estimate), '''s'''ingleton (one fetus), '''v'''ertex (head first) births, sometimes referred to as NTSV births.
Cesarean Deliveries among Low Risk Women
(Percentage of Live Births, 2022)
Single Calendar Years20222022Percentage of Live Births24.7Stable24.7%23.9%25.6% 24.7%
(23.9% - 25.6%)
ObeseAdol1302163Obesity among High School StudentsPercent of high school students who were obese (greater than or equal to the 95th percentile for body mass index, by age and sex)
Percent of high school students who were obese (greater than or equal to the 95th percentile for body mass index, by age and sex)
Obesity among High School Students
(Percentage of persons, 2019)
Single Calendar Years20192019Percentage of persons15.2Stable15.2%11.1%20.4% 15.2%
(11.1% - 20.4%)
PhysicalAct1303204Physical Activity among AdultsAmong adults, the proportion who engage in aerobic physical activity of at least moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes/week, or 75 minutes/week of vigorous intensity, or an equivalent combination.
Among adults, the proportion who engage in aerobic physical activity of at least moderate intensity for at least 150 minutes/week, or 75 minutes/week of vigorous intensity, or an equivalent combination.
Physical Activity among Adults
(Percentage, Age-adjusted, 2017)
Single Calendar Years20172017Percentage, Age-adjusted41.2Stable41.2%36.9%45.5% 41.2%
(36.9% - 45.5%)
PhysActAdol1304163Physical Activity among High School StudentsThe percentage of public high school students who participated in physical activities that increased their heart rate and made them breathe hard some of the time for a total of at least 60 minutes per day on five or more of the past seven days.
The percentage of public high school students who participated in physical activities that increased their heart rate and made them breathe hard some of the time for a total of at least 60 minutes per day on five or more of the past seven days.
Physical Activity among High School Students
(Percentage of persons, 2019)
Single Calendar Years20192019Percentage of persons45.9Stable45.9%40.3%51.6% 45.9%
(40.3% - 51.6%)
SodaConsAdo1306163Soda Consumption among High School StudentsThe percentage of adolescents who drank soda one or more times per day, in the past seven days (excluding diet/sugar-free)
The percentage of adolescents who drank soda one or more times per day, in the past seven days (excluding diet/sugar-free)
Soda Consumption among High School Students
(Percentage of persons, 2019)
Single Calendar Years20192019Percentage of persons9.5Stable9.5%6.6%13.3% 9.5%
(6.6% - 13.3%)
FallDeath1502137Deaths due to FallsDeaths with a fall-related injury as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: W00-W19
Deaths with a fall-related injury as the underlying cause of death. ICD-10 codes: W00-W19
Deaths due to Falls
(Rate per 100,000, 2018-2020)
3 Year Groups20202018-2020Rate per 100,00019.4Stable19.415.423.4 19.4
(15.4 - 23.4)
PhysicalInactive1503204Physically Inactive: Older Adults PrevalenceAdults aged 65 years and over who engage in no leisure-time physical activity
Adults aged 65 years and over who engage in no leisure-time physical activity
Physically Inactive: Older Adults Prevalence
(Percentage of persons, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Percentage of persons43.8Stable43.8%34.3%53.9% 43.8%
(34.3% - 53.9%)
NoComparisonValueNo comparison valueNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
StdSyph1803168Syphilis Incidence - Primary and SecondaryRate of newly reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis by date of diagnosis per 100,000 population
Rate of newly reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis by date of diagnosis per 100,000 population
Syphilis Incidence - Primary and Secondary
(Rate per 100,000, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Rate per 100,00011.6DNA11.6 11.6 8.5NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
StdSyphC1804168Syphilis Incidence - CongenitalRate of new cases of congenital syphilis per 100,000 live births
Rate of new cases of congenital syphilis per 100,000 live births
Syphilis Incidence - Congenital
(Rate per 100,000 Live Births, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Rate per 100,000 Live Births29.5DNA29.5 29.5 25.7NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
CigSmokHS1902169Cigarette Use among High School StudentsPercentage of high school (9th-12th grade) students who have used cigarettes on one or more days in the 30 days preceding the survey
Percentage of high school (9th-12th grade) students who have used cigarettes on one or more days in the 30 days preceding the survey
Cigarette Use among High School Students
(Percentage of persons, 2018)
Single Calendar Years20182018Percentage of persons4.6DNA4.6% 4.6% 2.9%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
TobaccoHS1904169Tobacco Use among High School StudentsPercentage of high school students (grade 9-12) who have used tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, bidis, electronic cigarettes) in the 30 days preceding the survey Measurement of electronic cigarette use began in 2012.
Percentage of high school students (grade 9-12) who have used tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, bidis, electronic cigarettes) in the 30 days preceding the survey Measurement of electronic cigarette use began in 2012.
Tobacco Use among High School Students
(Percentage of persons, 2018)
Single Calendar Years20182018Percentage of persons24.6DNA24.6% 24.6% 21.7%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
SecondhandSmoke1905169Secondhand Smoke Exposure among High School StudentsThe percentage of high school students in grades 9-12 who are nonsmokers but are exposed to secondhand smoke
The percentage of high school students in grades 9-12 who are nonsmokers but are exposed to secondhand smoke
Secondhand Smoke Exposure among High School Students
(Percentage of persons, 2018)
Single Calendar Years20182018Percentage of persons53DNA53.0% 53.0% 51.0%NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence intervalNoComparisonValueNo comparison value
TuberCases2001170Tuberculosis IncidenceTuberculosis incidence rate per 100,000 population
Tuberculosis incidence rate per 100,000 population
Tuberculosis Incidence
(Rate per 100,000, 2020)
Single Calendar Years20202020Rate per 100,0003.8DNA3.8 3.8 2.8NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval2.2NoLimitsMeasure missing confidence interval
  • Better is when the community's rate is better than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).
  • Similar is when the community's rate is not statistically different from New Jersey's rate (community confidence interval includes comparison value).
  • Worse is when the community's rate is worse than New Jersey's rate and the difference is statistically significant (community confidence interval does not include comparison value).


Healthy New Jersey (HNJ) is the State's health promotion and disease prevention agenda for the decade. It is also the initiative that produces the State Health Improvement Plan and State Health Assessment. It is modeled after the federal Healthy People 2020 initiative.

Click here for more information about NJSHAD Community Profiles.